Raina: Chapter 2

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“I don’t think I can go through with this, father,” Thor was pacing back and forth in front of Odin’s grand throne.  Today was the day he would meet his expected bride and he was not ecstatic about it.  His father had been exchanging word with the queen of Vanaheim for over a month now and finally his father decided to tell him of what he and the queen had discussed.  At first Thor was numbed by the idea.  He had recently been heartbroken by Jane Foster, his mortal lover of Midguard.  Jane had told Thor exactly what he needed to here-she was mortal and die one day and then he would be heartbroken for the rest of his lifetime.  Thor knew she was right, but he still loved her no matter what.  Now the idea of marrying the princess of Vanaheim was a terrible idea. 

“At least meet her and who knows maybe she’ll be so beautiful that you will instantly ask her to marry you,” Odin let out a laugh.  Odin was going to force Thor to ask the princess to marry him; however, he couldn’t control when Thor was going to ask her.

Thor sighed, “I am not marrying her for her beauty.  I am marrying her because it’s my duty to honor my realm.  If I am ever to take your place on the throne, I would need a queen to rule by my side.”

“And from what I’ve heard, she is loved and respected by her people.  That will be an asset to you for when you are gone and off to war.  She will be able to rule in your absence,” Odin declared.

Thor let out a frustrated sigh and continued to furrow his brow as the doors to the throne room were opened.  Thor stood to the side of Odin’s throne as Odin stood.  A woman of ebony hair and violet eyes that had aged in time walked in and was followed by a woman with the same black hair but Thor noticed that her eyes were an intense emerald color.  She was strikingly beautiful and graceful as she seemed to glide across the room to stand before Odin and Thor.

“It is a pleasure to have you and your lovely daughter in Asgard, Queen Allise of Vanaheim,” Odin voice boomed in the room as he approached the older woman and kissed her hand.

She smiled proudly as if hearing her name was anew to her, “It is our pleasure All-Father.  May I introduce my daughter, Princess Raina.”  Thor noticed that the queen had to practically pull her daughter in front of her.  Raina smiled and bowed politely despite Thor seeing the anguish on her face.

“And this is Thor, my son and heir to the throne,” Odin put his hand on Thor’s shoulder and Thor held the princess’s hand and kissed it.  He had hoped that in this moment he would forget about Jane Foster and ask the princess to marry him on the spot.  All he felt was his own disdain of having to marry this princess and he felt ashamed that he could not look into her eyes with adoration.  He could see it on her face too; she would rather fall off the Bifrost than marry him.

The princess finally spoke, “It is a great pleasure to meet you Thor Odinson.”

Thor stood there unable to speak.  She had spoken the words like she had been practicing them the whole trip to Asgard.  Odin elbowed Thor causing Thor to shake his head and reply, “It is an honor to have you in Asgard.  Did you enjoy the trip through the realm?”

The queen laughed, “We will have more time to talk idle chatter, but for now Princess Raina and I must rest from our trip.”

Odin agreed, “Yes, a feast is being prepared in your honor, Queen Allise.  I will send a guard to warn you of the time.”

With that, the queen and her daughter left.  Princess Raina stopped and turned to look back at Thor.

That’s when it happened, Thor could hear her in his head.  I am sorry.  She turned back and scurried to catch up to her mother. 

Thor was too busy trying to understand what she meant that he didn’t hear his father talking to him.

“Did you hear me son?” Odin asked in hindrance.  He had already walked back to his throne and sat looking at his son with an amused face, “You look like you just fell in love.  What were you thinking?”

Thor scoffed, “Father, I do not know if I could ever love her like I love Jane.  I will agree with you that she is indeed beautiful, but I saw the look on her face.  She is just as distraught about this arrangement as I am.  Why is her mother forcing her to do this?”

“Because she wants to teach her daughter sacrifice.  When the king of Vanaheim died many years ago, Queen Allise had to sacrifice a lot to keep Vanaheim together.  She feels that her daughter needs to learn in order to survive.  You remember when I banished you to teach you a lesson.  She only wants to be assured that her daughter will be a grand queen,” Odin finished as another man entered the throne room with a sly smile on his face.

“And what if the Princess Raina decides to decline my brother’s proposal,” Loki leaned against a column as he stared at his father for the answer.

“Loki, if you do anything to prevent her from accepting Thor’s proposal, I will have you locked in chains in the dungeon for the rest of your long life,” Odin warned him.

Loki gave his knowing chuckle, “I would never dream of ruining Thor’s arranged marriage.”  The gleam in his eyes sparkled mischievously.

Thor looked at his brother and said, “May I speak to you in private brother?  It is about a matter of the bordering forest.  I may need your council.”

Thor knew that Loki could tell that he was lying, but Loki was up to whatever game Thor was trying to play,” Of course dear brother.”  Both brothers left the throne room as they said their goodbyes to Odin.

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