Raina: Chapter 4

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“Father please listen, Loki even saw it through her eyes.  The girl was no threat to Princess Raina,” Thor had been arguing with his father since the incident with Raina in the gardens.

Odin was getting more impatient with his sons than ever before, “I do not care.  The girl should have had her wits about her and watched her step.  She has been a nuisance since she had started here.”

“Princess Raina does not wish punishment upon the girl.  She wishes for the girl to be set free,” Loki was trying to help Thor.

“And you, the God of Mischief, wish to not see this girl punished?  What has happened to you?” Odin was curious.

“You did not see the weight that Princess Raina was carrying from this,” Loki’s face was grim.  Thor had noticed that ever since the princess had used her magic on Loki, he had not been acting the same.

Odin stood with a fierce look on his face, “Queen Allise has assured me that Princess Raina wanted punishment on the girl.  The girl will ne be locked away forever, never to see light of day again nor her family.”


A female’s voice cut through the tension of the Asgardian men.  Thor and Loki both turned around to see Raina in her scarlet dress.  Her servant girl followed behind her and had a look of fear on her face.

Odin smiled, “Princess Raina, I wish I would have known that you came to see Thor.”

She stood between Loki and Thor, but Thor could feel an energy source coming off of her skin, making her presence known to anyone.  “I came to plea for the girl’s life, All-Father.”  She bowed robotically.  Thor wondered if she ever bowed to anyone before or if she disdained the thought of honoring anyone but her deceased father.

“I am sorry, Princess Raina, but her punishment has been set,” Odin sat on his throne of gold and looked down at his sons and the princess.

The princess moved closer to him, ‘What if I could show you..”

“No more!  The matter is over!  Please do not exceed my patience princess,” Odin was furious.  He hissed the word ‘princess’ through barred teeth.

But when Princess Raina turned around to walk past, Thor saw her eyes and they were nothing compared to his father’s.  Her eyes were a bright red color, her voice was firm as she spoke her servant’s name.  The girl ran to her mistress’s side and flames wrapped themselves around them.  The flames continued to grow until it completely went out.  There was no sign of Princess Raina or her maid.

Odin dismissed his sons immediately. 

Thor noticed Loki’s grin and asked, “What is so funny, brother?”

“That woman’s wrath was so immense, she could have killed father without touching him.  I see now why she is called The Dark Princess,” Loki seemed to admire her abilities.

Thor thought that he might admire something else about her too, but would Loki ever admit it to him.

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now