Raina: Chapter 16

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Loki threw, smashed, and broke everything in his sight.  He was in his study after the big celebration of Thor and Raina’s engagement.

“How could I have been so foolish!?” he turned a table over, breaking the legs off with his bare hands.

“She used me!  That little traitorous sorceress!” he threw one of the legs into the fireplace roughly.

“Tsk tsk tsk, my dear Loki.  You should be gentler,” Amora stood in the doorway with her arms across her chest making her chest bulge over the side.

Loki gave her an uncompromising look, “I am through with being gentle!”

“Then take your roughness out on me.  You know that I would do anything for you, Loki.  Even be your slave,” she hissed melodically as she walked seductively to him until her body was completely against his.

Loki wanted to resist her.  He wanted to believe that he was still sleeping in Raina’s bed and he would wake up to her bright green eyes.  He wanted to believe that she wasn’t engaged to Thor.  But it was not a dream.  Her betrayal and Thor’s betrayal was his worst nightmare.

“Amora, you have stuck by me even when I abandoned you.  How can you ever forgive me?” he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her aggressively.

When they pulled apart, she had her charming grin on for him, “I can think of many ways that you can make it up to me, Loki Laufeyson.”

Raina ran through the entire palace to find him.  She checked behind every door, even closed private ones.  He was ignoring her mentally, but physically she would find him.

She heard strange noises coming from down a dark hall.  She ran down, her navy dress skirts flowing behind her.  She had to find him, had to explain it all to him.

She heard voices from behind the first door she saw and when she opened it she found Loki in the arms of another woman.  The woman was half dressed and had her body slinked around his as he trailed kisses up her neck.  When he reached her mouth, he had opened his eyes to see Raina.  He stopped what he was doing and stared at her.  He had already let go of the woman who was irritated and giving Raina devilish looks.

Raina couldn’t even speak.  Her heart was breaking every second she stood there.  He tried to come closer, but she backed away.  He reached out to her, holding his hand out to her to grab.  He was shirtless, revealing his lean stomach.  Raina wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his warmth, but she couldn’t.  Her body was cold and her mind was racing and all she could do was run.

She kept running even when she heard her name shouted and echoing against the walls.  She ran out of the palace down to the bridge that had brought her here.  She ran all the way back to where her adventures in Asgard started.

He was looking over the realms, but when Heimdall spoke, he spoke as if he was only looking at Raina, “Everything will work in time, Princess Raina.”

She wiped her face and looked out at all the realms, “You see everything, Heimdall.  Can you tell me if this battle will break my heart and kill me now?”

Heimdall gave Raina an uneasy look, “No, Raina, this battle will make you stronger.”

Raina laughed, “Oh Heimdall, my heart is breaking into a million pieces.  How could I have been so foolish to believe in my plan?  To believe that it would not come with consequences.”

Heimdall smiled, “Dear Raina, you believe that this right now is a crisis, but you are much stronger.  Do you not remember the wars that you have fought and won singlehandedly?  You make Lady Sif look bad in comparison.  You, the Dark Princess, you have powers that not even your mother can possess.  You halted a spell that Loki placed on you.  You are going to have your victory.  You know what you need to do.”

Raina just shook her head, “I do not know…”

“You do not know?” Heimdall questioned her.

Raina couldn’t believe that she had thought of it before.  “Are you going to let me through, Heimdall?”

“I can stop bodies, I cannot stop souls, Princess Raina,” his golden eyes twinkled.

“Thank-you, Heimdall.  I just need a couple days to let my maid make proper preparations and then my plan will unfold,” Raina smiled at the realms, “I will have my victory.”

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now