Raina: Chapter 22

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Raina landed in an abandoned alleyway.  The first thing she noticed about Midgard was the temperature.  The ground was covered by a blanket of white.  It looked so soft that Raina reached out her hand to touch it and it was cold and wet.  Her whole body was shaking from cold.  It did not help that she was still in the black dress from Asgard.  She saw many people walking by the alleyway wearing pants and coats.  She had spent some time observing Midgard from afar so she would know how to survive in this world. 

With a flick of her wrist, her dress changed into jeans, brown boots and a brown coat.  She unbuttoned her coat to find a dark green blouse underneath.  She was pleased with her new look and walked out of the alley to explore the new world.  It was covered with busy people and loud noises of the moving carriages.  She smelled delicious smells of food and saw brilliant colors of clothing in windows.  She needed to find Jane in this strange place.

People were looking at her as they passed by, sneaking fascinated glances at her.  In Asgard, her soul was hidden from everyone.  In Midgard, she was visible to all eyes.  She tried to smile at people she caught looking at her and many smiled in return.

The stories her mother told her about how rude people on Midgard were was false.  Raina remembered her father telling that Midgardians were just confused about life since they lived very short lives, Allise would always say they were rude and only cared about things that were self-serving.  Raina thought that her mother described herself perfectly.

Raina was quick to think of a spell to find someone.  Once she spoke the words of the spell, a blue glow illuminated a path to her.  Only she could see the path and followed it while being aware of her surroundings.  The moving carriages were tricky and loud often at times.  Some of the people in the carriages would yell obscurities to each other.  Raina felt inclined to walk quickly as the sun was falling behind the horizon and she was frightened of the night life of this city.  She was not afraid of what would happen to her, but what would happen to those who tried to harm her.

The blue path took her to a building and once she was inside and up the stairs in front of a door, it vanished.  She built up her strength and knocked on the door lightly.  She thought that no one heard her and almost knocked again when the door opened and a woman of light brown hair and dark brown eyes opened the door.  She is beautiful and I see her heart is pure…and sad.

“Can I help you?” Jane asked.

“You are Jane Foster, correct? Raina asked.

Jane smiled, “Yes, uhm do I know you?”

Raina laughed, “No, but you know Thor..”

“Oh,” Jane’s face fell from content to gloomy at the sound of Thor’s name.

“Do you…do you mind if I come in?” Raina requested.

Jane thought and turned around to look at her apartment and then back at Raina, “Come on in.”

Raina entered Jane’s apartment which was plain and had many technological items scattered around.

“Sorry, it is a bit of a mess…”

“Don’t apologize.  You were not expecting company,” Raina smiled.

Jane laughed, “You Asgardians always show up at random times.”

“I am not from Asgard.  I am actually from Vanaheim…”

“Thor told me of Vanaheim before!  He said you were sister planets and had combined trade and what not that you guys do,” Jane excitedly said.

“Yes, well that might be ruined after my little adventure,” Raina sighed and sat on a sofa of a cream material.

“Sorry, I found that sofa for a bargain.  It is a little tough, but it will do.  Anyway, you said that it might be ruined.  What do you mean?” Jane asked as she sat down across from Raina in a faded blue chair.

“I do not want to tell you this and make you even sadder, Jane…Queen Allise of Vanaheim and Odin of Asgard struck a deal that their next in line would marry and combine their kingdoms completely,” Raina looked out the window. If her mother would not have meddled, Raina would have been happy to have been alone for eternity.

“That means that Thor is getting married…to the princess of Vanaheim…why are you telling me this?” Jane stood and paced back and forth.

“Will you please sit, Jane,” Raina asked as she continued, “My name is Raina Princess of Vanaheim.  I am engaged to Thor Odinson, but I wish not to be…”  A tear escaped ran down Raina’s face and she wiped it away quickly.

Jane sat in silence and Raina watched her.  Jane spoke quietly, “I am sure being engaged to Thor is not the worst thing in the world.”

“It is when you love someone else,” Raina gave her a half smile.

Jane replied, “You love someone else?”

Raina smiled, “Yes, I love him with my whole heart and Thor knows this to be true.  That is why I am here.  Jane, I know that you are afraid to be with Thor.  You would die way before him and he would spend his many years alone, but I wish to offer you a gift.”

Jane stood and replied swiftly, “I cannot be with Thor.  I…I am in love with someone else too.”

Raina looked at her, “You are not and even if you were, you would be lying to yourself, Jane Foster.”

“It is true.  He is…brave…and has a good job…and he isn’t missing for years and comes back to tell me he loves me…and…and…” Jane started to cry.

Raina put her hand to Jane’s forehead and released images into her psyche.  Thor married to Raina.  He never looked at her with love and Raina never showed her love to him.  They would have children, but when the time of Jane’s death came, Thor would revert away from his family away from Raina and his duties as the new king of Asgard.  Asgard would fall and Thor would fall miserably with it.

Raina pulled back and Jane gasped, “What was that!?”

“What will happen to Thor if we should marry and you carry on with your life as you have been,” Raina started to get dizzy form the amount of magic she used.  “My offer to you, Jane, is immortality.  I can give you immortality and you will be with Thor forever…”

“No, I want nothing to do with magic or alien witchcraft,” Jane left and went into another room only to grab sheets, “Here you can stay the night tonight.  Sorry I only have the sofa for an extra place for someone to stay.”  She turned out the lights and went into her bedroom with a shut of her door.

Raina thought she passed the opportunity of immortality too quickly.  Raina walked to Jane’s door and let out a spell that would flood Jane’s mind of Thor, their good and bad times together and what her future would be like without Thor. 

Raina hurried back to the sofa and fell asleep in minutes.  The amount of magic she used today was more than she used in a week.  She was growing strong enough to use more magic, but her mind could only take so much.  She dreamed of Loki and what he was doing at that moment.

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