Raina: Chapter 27

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Raina was caught in between areas of gray on the BiFrost.  One minute she was soaring to Asgard with Jane and the next, she was stopped between Midgard and Asgard. 

“Heimdall!”  Raina called out.  She could not see Jane anywhere.  It was shades of gray compared to the BiFrost’s colorful array.  She did not know what had become of her.

Am I waking up? Am I stuck in limbo?  She had not read of the spell sucking her into limbo.  She was stuck, unable to move forward or go back to Midgard.

She was panicking and just when she thought she was done for, she saw a figure walking closer to her.  She thought this was her having a delusion.  No one can walk outside of the BiFrost!  But the figure got closer and closer until Raina could make out his appearance.

The man stood a good foot taller than her with broad shoulders and dark brown hair and eyes the color of rich chocolate.  He had been a man that Raina dreamed about many times and missed so much it hurt.  Her father was standing in front of her.  She started to cry, “Daddy?”

He smiled, “My little princess.”  He opened his arms, welcoming her.

She fell into his arms perfectly.  He even smelled like her father used to, musk and freshly cleaned soap.  She stopped crying enough to pull away and look him in the eye to say, “Am I…stuck…or dead?”

He shook his head, “No Raina, you are alive…well, still alive in Asgard.  I put a hold on the BiFrost until I could come to you.”

She was relieved, “I have missed you so much, daddy.”

“I’ve missed you too,” he had tear streaks down his cheeks.

Raina was overjoyed to see her father, “Why did you need to see me?”

Her father’s face fell into grief, “I am afraid I have some things I wish to tell you now that you are older.”

“About what?”

“Your mother.”

Raina couldn’t look at him, “Did she kill you, daddy?”

He sighed, “I will not lie to you, my princess.  Yes, your mother murdered me.”

“Daddy…why?  Why would she do that?  She loves you?”

He held Raina’s hands in his and responded with grief in his heart, “I fell in love with someone else.”


“Do you remember your nurse as a child, Tara?”

“Yes, she took care of me as a baby and then she disappeared before you died,” Raina remembered the woman always being kind and singing to Raina as a toddler.

“I will take you back to when your mother and I met.  I had just become the king of Vanaheim-“

“You told me this story as a child, father.  I know it by heart,” she smirked.

“I never got to tell you the real story.  You see, I remember looking at your mother and I could see how beautiful she was and when I asked her to dance, I was looking at her and then when another lady asked me to dance, dust flew into my eyes and all of a sudden I could only think of Allise.  She consumed my mind and heart.  I did not bother to know any of the other women in the room that night.  My advisors thought that something was wrong with me like magic and when I asked her to marry me, they ill-advised it.  I did not care, I needed Allise in my life.  Any moment we were apart, it burned in my soul.  You were born and it was the most wonderful moment of my life.  I think I loved you more than I loved your mother.  Tara was hired a year afterwards.  Something about her kept throwing me off and the more I thought of her, the less I thought of your mother.  It was different though, I wasn’t consumed by thought of Tara.  She loved me and I loved her back.  I no longer slept in the same room as your mother.  We barely spoke and she started to figure out what was going on.  Tara became pregnant and I knew that I would have to take responsibility for the child and since I loved Tara I was ready to take it on.  I spoke with your mother and told her that I wanted to have a divorce.  I told her that I thought she spelled me and made me make her my queen.  My confrontation made her furious.  She declined a divorce and banished Tara from Vanaheim, but not before Tara had the baby.  Your mother kept the baby, and one night she came to my room.  I do not remember much, but I do know that my last thoughts before she took my last breath form me, were of my little princess.  I have waited years to tell you all of this.  Your mother’s spell was broken by true love,” he searched her face for anything, a tear, a smile.

Raina couldn’t believe the fairytale she thought was real, was caused by dark magic.  Her mother meddled into Raina’s own life and caused her to spell herself.  It seemed that her mother was the cause of everything.

“Why…why are you telling me this?”

“It is vital information you will need when you return to your body, to your life on Asgard,” her father looked as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders by revealing all the secretst he had held for so many years.

There was one secret that Raina had to know, “Daddy, where is that baby?”

“The baby grew up to be a beautiful young lady with a caring heart.  She has looked after you since she was five,” he said this with a smile.

Raina gasped.  Her one true friend in the worlds was also her half-sister, “Mae.”

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