Raina: Chapter 24

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Raina woke, showered, and changed into a simple pair of jeans and a cream blouse.  When she walked into the kitchen area, she saw Jane staring at her bowl of food intently.

“Good morning, Jane,” Raina said politely.

Jane smiled, “Good morning.”  She had a change in her.

“What is this brown liquid that is hot in this pot here?” Raina smelled the substance and it did not smell terrible.

“It is coffee.  Mugs are in that cabinet over there and creamer and sugar are on the counter.  Help yourself,” Jane continued to munch on her breakfast as she walked to a small table with a couple mismatched chairs.

Raina followed suit and sat in a chair next to Jane.

“Did you sleep well?” Jane asked Raina.

“Yes, that sofa was not too terrible to sleep on,” Raina replied.

“That is good.  Sorry that I didn’t have an extra bed.”

“Do not fret.  How did you sleep?” Raina eyed Jane.

Jane stopped eating and stared straight ahead, “Do you truly have the ability to see into the future?  Will Thor be as miserable as you say?”

Apparently you slept great.  Raina knew that Jane would ask her these questions, “Yes, I can and yes he will.”

“I saw something different while I slept.  He was happy and Asgard was prosperous,” Jane moved the food around, not interested in it anymore.

“I see and who was there right beside him.  Was it you or me?” Raina asked.  She sipped the coffee slowly as it was indeed hot.

Jane’s eyes got wide and her voice a whisper, “It was me…”

Raina smiled, “What will you do now?”

“Is the offer of immortality still on the table?” Jane asked.

“Of course.”

“What will I tell Aidan?” Jane went from full of spirit to sad again.

“So this Aidan guy was real?  I thought you were just making him up.  I guess you could tell him you are going to find your true love and wish not to see him again,” Raina said.

Jane laughed, “You can’t just say it like that!  You have to let them down gently.”

“Oh, so we have to find this Aidan fellow and be nice to him and then break his heart to pieces,” Raina liked this plan.

“If you look at it that way…yes.”

“Well, where do we find him?” Raina had let the coffee sit for too long and it did not taste as appetizing as it had before.  It also didn’t help that she had not put any of the creamer that Jane left on the counter.  She pushed it aside and looked at Jane eagerly.

“He works at a hospital in town.  We can head that way after I get ready,” Jane got up and went to her room to change.

Raina sat at the table, wondering what everyone was doing in Asgard.  Thor was probably conversing with his father or battling with Sif.  Odin was probably giving orders like usual.  Mae was probably never leaving her side for a moment.  Her mother was probably causing chaos like usual.  And Loki..she imagined that he was heartbroken.  She saw an image of a broken man, barely a shadow of who he was once and her heart went out to him.  Her Loki.  Her sweet and loving Loki Laufeyson.

Jane snapped her from her daydream, “Are you ready?”

Raina smiled and grabbed her coat.  She tried to hide that fact that she was crying for Loki from Jane.  The last she needed was for Jane to have sympathy for her.

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now