Raina: Chapter 7

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Loki caught his breathe before heading down the dark hallway.  He had not even imagined saying those words to her.  He wanted her, needed her.  The very thing that he demanded of her was the last thing on his mind. 

He could have asked for anything…and he chose her.  He had assured his brother hours ago that he did not want her.  But being in the room with her, her scent filling his nostrils.  The way she commanded the dress to flow over her perfect curves.  She had stared at him with those eyes.  He would have done anything for those eyes.  And what he was about to do for her was only for her.

He would kneel at her feet if it meant pleasing her.  He never kneeled before anyone, but the way she commanded him, it brought life to his heart.  The look on her face when she realized that the proposal was a spell.  He had to have her, no matter what.  The spell marked her as his for life.  But he couldn’t be bound to her.  He had never been the marrying type. 

Maybe it was because he thought of himself unlovable, although he would be devoted to his wife forever.  He would be devoted to Raina.  Why did he feel so much for a woman he barely knew?  If she had been a mortal, would he have felt the same?  Yes, I would follow her to mortality if that is where our destiny will take us.  Mortality…he never imagined giving in to it until now. 

His conflicting emotions kept him from hearing a noise behind him and the pair of lips that forced themselves on his as arms pushed him back.

He was pinned to a wall and felt confused and furious for the surprise attack.  He pushed his attacker away to reveal Amora the Enchantress.

She was dressed in a green slinky dress which revealed most of her assets and walked around in green boots.  Her golden locks were occupied by a green flower, which Loki assumed was poisonous.  She had a victorious grin on her ruby red lips.

“What is wrong, Loki?” she sang his name. 

Loki was annoyed with her, “Why would you surprise me like that?  What if Rai…”

Amora interrupted him, “What if Raina would have seen us?  Are you really worried about her finding out about us?”

Loki walked around her and said viciously, “There is no us, Amora! And I do not care what Raina thinks.”  He wanted to take back the last words.  He wanted to bite his tongue when cursing Raina’s name.

“So those late lonely nights were nothing…” Amora acted like she was hurt, but Loki knew she was taunting him, “Come on, Loki.  Why not go to your bedroom and…”  She winked at him hungrily.

A time before he would have gladly joined her.  Now he had a job to do and he was doing it for his soon to be wife.  His days of womanizing were over.

The bells for the feast rung throughout the halls and Loki smiled at Amora, “Sorry, I have a prior engagement.”  He turned and walked briskly towards a doorway.

Loki left Amora stunned in the dark hallway.  “Oh Loki, I will have you in my clutches for sure,” Amora smiled and vanished into the night.

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now