Raina: Chapter 11

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Loki woke in a room different from his normal dark room.  It was bright and the sheets beneath him were soft and a cream color.  He turned to see a striking face smiling at him.

“Good morning,” she said sweetly.

He sat up and kissed her amiably on the lips, “Good morning, beautiful goddess.”  He smiled sincerely.

He leaned back down onto the mattress and she followed him, resting her head on his bare chest.  He always saw himself as lanky and too pale.  But she had looked at him last night as if he were the most beautiful jewel in all the realms.

She traced a pattern on his chest and he held her close, running his fingers through her raven black hair. 

He couldn’t have imagined a moment more perfect than this.  He had admitted his feelings to her and she did not turn him away.  Instead, she embraced him.  She might not have said the words back to him, but he felt it.

A knock on the door caused her to jolt upright from the bed and panic.  He smiled and got out of bed.  He used his magic to pull the armor back on him and then to disappear.  He could still see her, but she could not see him.  She looked around and was puzzled.

Where did you go?

Do not worry, my pet.  I am here with you.

She was satisfied with this answer and Mae opened the door as Queen Allise walked in.

“Why are you still in bed, Raina?  You should be up and ready by this time.  Mae, why is she still in her nightgown?” Allise was accusing Mae of keeping Raina in bed.

Mae kept her eyes down, “Mistress looked tired from her long night of feverish sleeping.”

Loki figured that Raina had told Mae to tell her mother that.

Allise nodded with this answer, “Well, get her bath ready and have her ready in the hour.”  Mae walked past Allise silently, making sure that she did not make a sound in front of the queen.

Allise looked the room over once more.  Loki felt exposed under this woman’s eagle eyes.  She finally dawned her eyes on Raina and used her index finger to lift Raina’s chin, “Today, Thor will propose.  And you will accept.”

Raina only nodded.

When the queen left, Loki dropped his veil and grabbed Raina before she could hit the floor.  She cried into his chest and he soothed her until she fell asleep on his lap.  He placed her gently on her bed and told Mae to wake her once he was gone and have her ready for the queen.  Loki was going to talk to his brother.

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now