Raina: Chapter 19

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Loki heard the beautiful singing as he made his way to his study.  He had not expected to find her there, sleeping in front of the fire.  He sat in his plush velvet chair behind her and observed her.  She looks so peaceful and elegant.  He noticed darkness under her eyes and wondered what kept her up.  Is it me that keeps you up?  He had heard the words she sang clearly.  She thought that he did not need her, but she was wrong.  His soul ached for her more and more every day.

She whimpered in her sleep and spoke silently.  Loki had to move closer to hear her. 


His eyes watered and his breathing became coarse.  His lovely Raina was dreaming of him.  Tears fell down his sharp cheeks onto his green tunic.  He walked over to the fireplace and threw another log in, which must have been loud because she woke and was standing behind him.

He wiped his eyes and cheeks, then looked back at her, “I see you found my study.”

She looked radiant in black and it took all of his might to not take her then and there. 

Her face didn’t reflect the same as his.  Her eyes spoke loudly.  She was hurt, exhausted and betrayed.


“Save it, princess.  I have heard it all before,” he bit his tongue to punish himself for speaking so bitterly to her.

She stepped back and rubbed her cheek as if she had been slapped.  But her voice did not fail her.  She was strong and defiant in her response, “I guess you have, Loki Laufeyson.”’  And walked out of the study.

Loki did not expect that and he followed her.  His footsteps were measly inches from hers.  “What does that mean, Princess Raina,” he snarled.

She simply answered, “You have all the answers Loki.  I have tried to explain things to you, but you refuse to listen.”

He grabbed her shoulder and whipped her around, “What is there to explain?  You are marrying my brother after I spent a night of pouring my heart out to you.  I expected better of the woman I love.  You were happy that night and when I go out to the gardens, I find that the woman that I love is marrying my brother.  Why yes I am more than angry about this!”

“There is more than you know…”

“Then what else is there to know!?” he yelled in rage.

“Looooki” A voice sings his name and he sees Amora, wrapped in his dark sheets only, standing with a pout on her face, “Why don’t you come back to bed, my sweet Loki?”

Raina’s face was twisted with hate and detest.  Loki knew that Raina knew that this was the woman she caught him with before.

“Loki Laufeyson, I am the Dark Princess for a reason.  I have no heart and so I cannot love anyone.  I am marrying your brother and it is final.  You are invited to join in the joyous celebration or you can roll around with the sorceress whore for all I care,” she took her leave from him.

Loki held his tongue.  If he said anything, he would regret it and he did not want to hurt her anymore.  Her words punctured his heart and he was slowly bleeding.  He knew she was saying them to protect herself, but he could still feel them slicing through his chest and exposing him. 

He watched her walk elegantly into the dark hall.  He only wanted to follow her and hold her forever.  To wipe away the tears that would for sure follow once she closed the door to her room and him forever.

Amora interrupted his thoughts by wrapping her arms around him, “Come, Loki.  Your bed is getting cold.”

He pushed her off and commanded, “It is over, Amora.  Get dressed and get out!”

He felt her hand whip across his face and he let the sting fill him.  He deserved so much worse than she could do to him.

“You will regret this, Loki Laufeyson!”

“I already regret this,” he made a disgusted face to her.  If he had not been involved with Amora, Raina may have come back to him.  But no he was a fool and fools were always alone.  He shut the door to his study.  His grew angry and destroyed the study in a matter of seconds…again.  He had hurt the woman he loved.  Who would ever love such a beast as he?

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now