Raina: Chapter 20

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Raina slammed the door to her bedroom, leaning against it as tears escaped from their prison.  She had been able to look and sound so strong to him, so sure that she could live without him.  But her soul was aching with every memory she had of Loki, the man she barely knew but loved so dearly. 

She couldn’t waste time thinking though.  Her plan was in place and she needed to finish it tonight.  Mae would be there any moment and she knew the plan.  Raina just had to set it all in motion.

She grabbed her book of spells and sat on the bed, making sure to untie the cream canopy to enclose her.  She took the ring off her finger and placed it by her bed.  When it was all said and done, she wanted nothing to do with the ring at all.  It was a symbol of all she could never have if she should fail.  Once she was sure she knew the spell by heart, she positioned herself down on her back, making her black skirt spill around her.  A final tear fell down as she said her silent goodbye to Loki.

“Ogen dicht en hart gestopt. Buiten Adem overwinnen slaap ik en mijn ziel ligt.”

“Eyes shut and heart stopped. Breathless sleep overcome me and carry my soul away.”

Raina felt something twist inside her, her breathing increased but she didn’t feel like she was suffocating.  Her heartbeat was faint enough to keep her alive, but her eyes shut and all she could see was black and then…

She was standing.  She panicked for a second, thinking that it did not work, but she saw her own body on the bed.  The spell did not kill her, but it did put her under a death like sleep.  The book of spells was spelled to vanish once it was in motion, vanishing to a place only Raina knew.  She heard the door and saw Mae walk in slowly.  Tears fell down Mae’s cheek.  Raina’s heart went out to her as her friend pull open the canopy and sat on the edge.

“You can do it, Raina.  You can do anything,” Mae pushed a piece of Raina’s hair back behind her ear and took a deep breath.

Then she screamed.  Raina covered her ears from Mae’s frightful scream.  A guard came in and asked what was wrong.  Mae ordered him to find Odin and Thor immediately and call for the queen. 

Moments later, Odin walked in frantically, Thor following him.

Odin crouched down to check Raina’s heartbeat and the medicals were rushed in as they pushed Odin out of the way.  The medicals poked and prodded at Raina until she thought that she was for sure dead.  The head of the medical finally said, “She is under a spell and none of our expertise can undo her spell.”

Odin sighed, “The queen will arrive as quickly as she can.  She may be able to undo the princess’s spell.”  He turned to his son, “I am sorry, Thor.  It seems that your wedding will have to wait until the bride is brought back to life.”  His attention then went to the guards, “I am afraid that we must keep this room under surveillance.  Princess Raina could be in danger at any moment and she is unable to protect herself.  I will have Thor check in daily.” 

Raina sighed.  She finally decided that it was time to continue on with her plan.  She walked down the halls.  Her heels would have normally left click noises that would have echoed throughout the halls, but her soul would not make any noise in Asgard.  She was able to walk through until she made her way to the BiFrost.

Heimdall was waiting when she showed up.  Heimdall could see everything, even souls, “I see that everything is going smoothly.”

She laughed, “I believe that my plan will work.”

Heimdall warned her, “Be careful on Midgard, Raina.  And if you ever need me to bring you back quickly, you call me.”

She nodded her head and replied, “Thank you Heimdall.  You are a good ally to have…and a good friend.”

Heimdall smiled and opened the gates for Raina to go to Midgard.

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