Raina: Chapter 5

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“How could he!?  That weak being thinks he can scold me!”  Raina threw the vanity across the room.

Mae sat on the bed.  She had experienced Raina’s rage before and knew that she would never direct her towards her.  And she also believed that Raina had every right to be angry this time.

“He didn’t even listen to you.  You offered to prove to him that she is innocent and…he just..” Mae was cut off.

“He will pay for this!” Raina was so furious that flames grew and her.  She wrathfully stomped around the room until she came to a stop and smiled devilishly at Mae.

Mae cocked her eyebrow, “What are you planning, Princess of Mischief?”

Raina laughed haughtily, “I need the God of Mischief to complete this task.  One that has betrayed his father plenty of times.”

Raina picked up the vanity seat that she had kicked over in her irate fury.  She twirled her slender finger around and the room was back to normal.  Mae always liked when she did this, it meant that she didn’t have to clean it up.

Raina finally sat down and concentrated on her reflection in the mirror.  Mae knew this look very well.  She was communicating with someone, assumingly Loki at this point in time. 

Thor was babbling to Loki about the princess and their father when he heard her.

God of Mischief, I am in need of your assistance.  I believe that you would be most pleased with this idea of mine.  You can choose whether to help me or not, no matter your decision, my mind is set.  I can assure you that it will not make your father pleased…it may cost me my life even, but I will do it with or without you.  I am trusting you because Thor could never defy his father the way you can.  I will know whether you are with me or not if you come to my door before the bell rings for the feast tonight.

When Loki thought she was finished.

I do hope you will join me.  And speak of this to no one.  Anyone who defies me will see my wrath in full.

Loki smiled.  He liked the princess even more now.  He had heard rumors that she was nicknamed the Princess of Mischief.  He debated whether he should go to her now or just let it go.  It was probably over that puny servant girl anyway. 

He rolled his eyes and he heard Thor exclaim, “Are you mocking me, brother?”

Loki smile broadened, “Brother, I would never mock you.  I am just thinking of this whole mess with the princess and father.  I assume that she will just have a little temper tantrum and get over it.  As soon as this whole servant mess blows over, she will be just fine and ready to marry you.”

Thor looked at him, “So you are not considering what I asked of you?”

Loki was puzzled, “What exactly are you asking of me?”

Thor placed his hand on Loki’s shoulder.  It was amazing the difference between them.  Where Thor was all muscle and golden, Loki was slender and dark.  Loki always noticed the difference between them, but it never stopped Thor from loving him any different, even after finding out they were not brothers.

“I wish for you to win the princess’s heart.  I feel it would be unfair for me to half-heartily propose to her when you could woo her.  I can feel the energy she has when you are around,” Thor was being completely serious.

Loki was surprised at what his brother was asking.  Usually Thor had no trouble wooing a girl, in fact women threw themselves at Thor more than Loki.  But Loki saw Princess Raina when she met Thor.  She didn’t swoon over his massive muscles and dazzling smile.  She brushed him off like he was an average mortal.  Loki saw her as a challenge and he did not wish to pursue her, but for his brother he would do anything, “I will try to win her over, brother.  Now I have a meeting to go to and do not wish to keep them waiting.”

“Of course and thank-you, Loki,” Thor was sincerely grateful towards his brother.

Loki used his magic to appear in front of her door.  He could hear her talking to someone, her maid?  Her voice was soothing and melodic.  He could never forget her voice, and her beautiful grace.  Or her dark anger.  Her anger enticed Loki more than anything.  Her anger made her more beautiful to Loki than her looking all dressed up for a feast.  She had been given another nickname among fearful enemies.  The Dark Princess.  Loki knew her mother was treacherous to deal with, but the princess had grown a reputation as well.

He gathered his wits and knocked on her door.

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now