Raina: Chapter 21

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He couldn’t believe it.  He ran through the halls, not stopping for anything.  His heart was breaking with every step.  He made it to her door and burst through it, expecting her beautiful smiling face to greet him.  Instead Mae sat by her lady’s side and looked mournful.

She stood in Loki’s presence and said, “I will go to the kitchen, sir.  Is there anything you need?”

I need Raina to come back to me.  He shook this thought away and responded, “For the sake of you not getting in trouble, I need a drink.  Thank-you, Mae.”  Mae was loyal to Raina and Loki respected her for it.  He had never found friendship in a commoner, but looking at Raina and Mae’s relationship made him consider it.

She left him in the room where he stared at the bed.  The canopy was drawn and tied to the posts and she laid in a black dress.  When he moved closer, his steps were like lead.  He finally sat on the edge of the bed next to her side.  He lifted his fingers to touch her delicate face.  Tears fell down his cheeks as he mourned her.  Thor told him of Raina’s sleeping death, her mind imprisoned inside while her body was in the now.

He had heard of the sleeping death spell, only powerful sorceresses could cast a spell that great on themselves.  He had caused this, he pushed her too far.  His disgust at himself grew more and more.  He didn’t deserve her; look at what he did to her. 

“I am sorry, my love.  I did this to you because I am selfish and incomplete.  I only feel something when I am around you,” he rested his forehead on hers, “I have never had these feelings before and it scared me.  I am Loki Laufeyson, feared God of Mischief and Lies and you leveled me out, Raina.”

He sat up and stared at her.  Even in her deathlike sleep, her cheeks glowed and she seemed to be at peace in her sleep.  Loki wished he could be with her in her sleep, to be away from everything and everyone that was keeping them a part. 

“I broke your heart.  I am sorry.  If I had another chance, I would kneel before you and be your servant for eternity,” he kissed her forehead and then he heard someone’s heels, coming his way.  He became invisible, but moved to the other side of the room.

Allise came in with a huff, not bothering to close the door.  She took one look at her daughter and started crying.  Loki thought they were almost real tears that she was shedding. 

Mae followed the queen in and tried to conceal her disgust at the queen’s reaction.  He was starting to like Mae more and more every time he saw her.

“Who did this to her, Mae?” the queen was whispering, “Who could have done this to her?”

“She did it to herself, your majesty,” Mae’s response was bleak like there was no hope of Raina ever waking up.

The queen’s face warped in irritation, “She would never!  You little ingrate brat!”  She smacked Mae across the face, causing Mae to hit the wall and fall to the ground.  The queen lifted her hand and Mae levitated up, “Tell me what you know, wench.”

“I know nothing, my queen,” her response was defiant like she was testing the queen.

Allise attempted to squeeze her hand, but nothing happened.

Mae smiled, “Raina put a protection spell on me a long time ago.”

Allise dropped Mae on the ground.  Loki wanted to kill the queen himself for hurting Raina’s one and only friend.  This is what Raina meant when she thought her mother was a harsh ruler.  The queen would surely make a lot of enemies if they saw her like this.

“I did not teach her a protection spell.  The only person I know who knows protection spells was my mother,” the queen eyed Mae, “Where is it?”

Mae kept her eyes cast to the ground, “Where is what, your highness?”

The queen growled, “You know what!  The book, you fool!  My mother’s spell book!”

Mae looked at her and Loki saw how sincere she was, “I do not know where Raina put the book.  I checked the drawers and closets, but she hid it very well.  I tried to find it, so we could break the spell on her, but she must have spelled the book too.”

The queen looked back at her daughter and walked over to her, her heels clicking loudly.  She leaned over Raina’s face.  Loki stepped forward quickly.  If the queen hurt Raina in any way, he would kill her, he would die to protect Raina.

The queen only looked at her and said, “What are you trying to prove, Raina?  To what avail do you think this will bring?  Once you awaken, you will marry Thor and forget all thoughts of being with Loki.”

He sucked in his breath at the mention of this.  The queen knew of his and Raina’s secret love.  How could she have found out?

The queen turned on her heels and walked out of the door.  Mae hurried and shut the door after the queen left and Loki reappeared.

Mae did not look shock to see him there as she rubbed her cheek where the queen’s hand print still glowed red.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

She shook her head, “Yes, Raina made sure the queen could not harm me.  The slap was more shock than pain.  The queen is getting desperate and Raina knew what she would do.”

He looked back on Raina.  To the naked eye, she looked dead.  But to get closer, you could see her chest rise and fall slowly.  He had some homework to do on this sleeping death. He kissed Raina’s forehead again and turned to walk out.

“She will come back, Loki Laufeyson.  And when she comes back, what will you do?” Mae sounded firm in her question.

He sighed, “I will fight to have her.”  He left with that answer.

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