Raina: Chapter 3

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“Your majesty,” a female voice hissed behind Allise.

“I see you finally showed up,” Allise sat on the edge of her daughter’s bed.  She had tried every spell she could find to wake Raina and nothing was working.  Allise was growing frustrated and now she had to deal with Amora.  At least the castle whore can get rid of my major problem…Loki.  Once Raina woke, Allise’s plan would ruin any chances that Raina had in being with Loki.

“I wish you would have chosen somewhere better than in the room of the woman that has stolen Loki from me,” Amora looked at Raina with hatred.

Allise stared at Amora, “Harming her would only sever your ties with Loki Laufeyson.  Besides you are here for a reason.”

“Yes, you’re Majesty, why have you beckoned me here?” Amora’s voice had a hint of annoyance that made the queen want to slap the rudeness out of the Enchantress.

Allise stood and grabbed a bottle from the dresser next to Raina’s bed.  She turned, staring at the bottle and handing it to Amora.  “That will make that fool Laufeyson fall head over heels in love with you. He will be like a puppy at your heels.”

Amora inspected the bottle.  It looked like a powdery substance in a crystal bottle, “How do I use it?”

“Make sure it gets into his eyes.  I have found that the best way is to get them while they are not expecting it,” the queen gave an evil grin.

Amora replied, “So you have done this before?”

Allise fixed the bodice of her red dress, “How do you think I became queen, my dear?”

Loki only visit Raina at night so he could cast a spell to make the guards fall asleep.  He slipped by the snoring guards and shut Raina’s door behind him.

He could hear the small huffs of Mae’s snores in the next room as he approached his sleeping beauty.  Her dark hair scattered around her, but he noticed something else off about her.  He looked at her hand to see that she didn’t have Thor’s engagement ring on anymore.  It was on the night stand.  Loki grew angry at the ring, it was the symbol of what tore him and Raina apart.  He sat on the bed, careful not to tear her dress.  She looked so delicate that he wanted to protect her like a priceless jewel.

“When you wake, I will ask for your hand.  I will stop acting like a foolish child and make the effort to take what is rightfully mine,”  he touched her cheek with his fingertips, “You will be Raina Laufeyson, Princess of Asgard, my beautiful and dangerous wife.”

He opened the book he had brought with him.  He read to her each time he came to visit.  It was usually poetry of love, honor, and promises.  This time it was a special treat.  He found a special book called Sleeping Beauty in the Midgard part of the library.  It fascinated him and he wished to read it to Raina that night.

“Once upon a time there lived a king and queen who were very unhappy because they had no children. But at last a little daughter was born, and their sorrow was turned to joy…”

When the story was finished, Loki looked back at his own sleeping beauty, “One day we will have our own happy ending like this, my love.”  He stood and bent over to plant a kiss on her lips, which were shockingly still warm, and left.

He had made it down the hall and was close to the library when he heard someone call his name and dust was blown into his eyes.

“Ahh!” he tried to wipe the substance away as quickly as he could.  The more he struggled, the less he thought of Raina and more he thought of Amora.  His true love, Amora.  His morning, noon and night, Amora.  The way the sun caressed her blonde locks and the natural curves of her body.  His Amora.

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