Raina: Chapter 10

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Raina was shocked.  He loved her.  He, the God of Mischief, loved her.

She smiled and pushed him away.  He looked hurt, but when she grabbed his hand and directed him towards the bed, he looked confused.

“Will you lay with me?”

She was being completely serious, but his face was filled with humor.

“You do know how to tempt the wicked, Raina,” he was about to get into her bed, but she stopped him.

She pulled at his leather armor he wore to the feast, “Take it off.”

He smirked at her, “So you want me to get in bed with you, but only if I am naked.  Where do I lose here, my dear?”

She giggled playfully, “I do not wish to sleep with leather all night.  It is always too cold or too warm to be against.  Just take the armor off.  You do not have to be naked.”

He gave her a wicked smile as he undone the leather and pulled it off.  When she was satisfied, she climbed in bed and offered a spot next to her for him, but he did her one better.  He pulled his tunic over his head, revealing his taunt muscles underneath.  His skin glowed an eerie glow, but she was entranced by how beautiful he looked.  He mesmerized her.  When he kicked his boots off, he joined her in bed.  She turned her back to him, but he caught her in an embrace, holding her through the night.

Her dreams were beautiful and for once in her life, she rested peacefully.

She woke up to someone frantically shaking her.  Mae was distraught and in her face, silently exclaiming, “Get up, Raina!”

“I am awake, Mae.  Stop insisting on waking the dead,” she lifted her hand to wipe her face to notice a pair of arms around her.  She had forgotten her visitor.  No wonder Mae is in such a panic. 

She slipped out of his arms and crept over the other side of the bed, making sure not the wake him.  She stood and stared at him for just a stolen minute.  He looked so peaceful.  His face looked content as if holding Raina was the only thing he wanted in his whole life.

She finally walked away to Mae’s room.  Mae was pacing back and forth nervously.

Raina sat on Mae’s bed while Mae moved frantically before realizing Raina was in the room.

“What happened?” Mae demanded.

“Mae, you are not my mother,” Raina reminded her.

Mae breathed in and said, “I know.  I just want to know if anything happened.”

Raina smiled, “He kissed me, Mae.  He…”

Mae grasped Raina’s shoulder, “He…?”

Raina looked into Mae’s eyes, “He told me he loves me, Mae.  He admitted that to me last night.  He protected from his father.”  Raina caught her up on the girl escaping and Odin’s accusations toward her.

Mae walked around the bed while Raina told her story, “So you are saying that if you had to choose one brother, you would choose Loki.”

Raina grabbed a pillow and threw it at Mae.  Mae laughed playfully and threw it back at Raina.

Mae sat down next to her and asked, “Really Raina, what will you do when your mother finds out?”

Raina heard someone yawning in the next room and smiled, “I do not know, Mae.  But I cannot give up.”

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