Raina: Chapter 15

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“What is so urgent that you needed to speak with me, Princess Raina,” Thor was being dragged by Raina behind a decorated bush.  Thor had stopped by her room earlier and asked for her company on a walk in the gardens.  Raina thought it was the perfect opportunity to tell him her plan.  Her navy dress sashayed to the urgency followed by the clop clop of her heels.

“Shush, someone will hear you,” she held her finger to her lips until he started laughing, “Why are you laughing?”


“Raina, Thor, my name is Raina and you can call me that.  And since you need to speak with me, I thought we could speak privately in the gardens.”

“Raina, you know why I asked you to come to the gardens with me,” Thor smiled.  It wasn’t a happy smile, for it had a hint of defeat in it.

Raina grabbed Thor’s hands, “Yes, I know.  I also have something I wish to divulge to you, Thor.  I have a plan.  I know you love Jane Foster.”

The mention of her name made Thor look even sadder, “Jane and I will never be that is why I have to move on to the future.”

“What if…what if I could make her live as long as us?  What if I went to Midgard and I gave Jane this gift and brought her back? I can do it!  I am innovative in sorcery and I have a spell that will work.  Thor, you could have Jane forever!  Would you not give the nine realms for this to happen?”

He looked up at the sky, “Are you doing this because you do not want to marry or is it because you love my brother?”

She winced back a little.  The beginning of this she would have said she did not want to marry.  Now her heart was set on the latter part.

He noticed enough to say, “I am not heartbroken if you love Loki.  I am joyous for you both.  Loki has never shown affection to anyone in his life.  I saw you both at the feast.  Who am I to take that away from him?”

Raina was happy that Thor did not hold a grudge against her for not wanting to marry him.  “There is one percussion, you still have to propose to me.  My mother will be suspicious if you do not.  I just hope Loki will give me a chance to explain.”

“We will speak with him afterwards,” Thor pulled out a ring from his pocket and still holding her hand, “Will you be my queen, Raina?”

Even if it was a fake proposal, it still made her stomach churn, “Yes, Thor Odinson.  I will be your queen.”

He put the ring on her finger and she examined it.  It was gold with a big rock the shade of red on top.  It wasn’t her taste, but for a fake engagement ring it would have to do.

“I guess we should head back,” he held her hand as they walked back.  He had said it would be less suspicious if they acted like they were in love.

As soon as they touched the courtyard, everyone cheered, “Congratulations!”

Raina was shocked as well as Thor.  She thought that they were the only ones in the gardens.  Apparently someone had told everyone what was happening today and if it wasn’t Raina or Thor.  My mother.  Raina’s mother was the first to speak, “I cannot believe my beautiful daughter is getting married!”  She ran up to hug Raina, a plotting smile on her face.

Raina scanned the crowd until she saw him.

He looked wounded and…hurt.  Her heart gave way.  Loki it is not what you think…

Save it!  You chose him!  I thought you were different, but you are like every other mule who falls on their knees for Thor.  Save your petty sorry for a man who actually wants you.  You were nothing but a good time, my dear.  His face was complete anger as he gave her one last look then turned away.

NO!  She tried to call to him, plead with him to listen.  He blocked her mentally.  Every time she tried to get through, his anger would put up another mental block.

People congratulated her and Thor, even so much as to hug them both.  Raina was numb, barely audible.

To everyone else, Raina’s tears were happiness.  For her, they were tears of agony.

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