Raina: Chapter 31

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Raina thought she could breathe for a minute when she heard Mae clear her throat.

Raina looked at her with a new gaze.  This girl is my sister.  She shares the same blood as me.

“Should I get your armor ready?” Mae asked.

Raina just looked at her.  Mae was content on being her maid, not even asking what Raina had meant earlier about Mae being the real heir.

“Miss?” Mae was standing in front of Raina.

Raina could see how Mae had grown in her absence.  She seemed more confident and stood a little taller.  Or maybe it was because Mae did not have her head tilted down and her eyes to the ground.

“Mae,” Raina’s voice cracked a little, “You are not my maid anymore.”

Mae looked shocked, “But…are you replacing me…”

Raina shook her head, “No! Mae, you are no longer a servant.  You are a princess.”

Mae was just silent.  Raina thought she did something wrong, but Mae was in thought.

When she was finally able to get her voice back, Mae asked, “What does this mean for us?”

Raina hugged Mae, “It means we are sisters and I will always be there for you.  Father would have wanted it that way.”

“We’ve always been sisters, Raina.  Or at least I have always thought of you as my sister.  You are the only person that has ever been like family to me.  Even after my mother abandoned me,” Mae was smiling through tears.

Raina felt the same way.  Mae had always been her family, “I am going to find your mother, Mae.  And there is one other thing I am going to do.”

“What is that?”

“Make you queen of Vanaheim.”

Mae’s eyes went wide, “Raina, you are the heir to her throne!”

“As her heir, I am officially giving you the title and everything that comes with it.  You are Princess Mae of Vanaheim,” Raina hugged Mae and started to walk away.

“I do not know how to be a queen,” Mae protested.

Raina looked back at her, “It will not be as hard as you think it will be and I will try to guide you as far as I can.  But for now I have to go get ready for battle.”

“I will help you,” Mae started to follow.

Raina stopped her, “You can come with me, but you will not walk behind me anymore.  And you will not pick my armor or clean or do any such thing.  And when the battle starts I want you to get somewhere safe.  You are the next queen of Vanaheim and Allise will do anything to make sure you disappear.”

Mae nodded her head in agreement and walked beside Raina.

Raina could not explain the feeling inside her.  In a matter of moments, a sequence of event had occurred.  She had been on Midgard, talked to her decease father, awaken in Asgard, made her mother her number one enemy, united with the love of her life and declared her best friend as a new queen.  Her trip to Asgard had been one of obedience to her mother and was ending up an emancipation from everything she had ever believed in.  Raina felt her power.  She had been using so much magic recently and was starting to become less and less weak after using it.  She needed to be fully ready when it came down to fighting her mother.

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