Raina: Chapter 14

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Allise had enough of the old king of Asgard.  She had spent most of her day discussing arrangements for the unity of Vanaheim and Asgard.  Her spell on him had worked, he was going to punish that girl.  Where did she go wrong?  How did that girl escape?  Raina could not have done it, she was at the feast all night.  Not even her strongest spell would have worked from that far away.  She is too hot headed to use her powers that way. 

I’ve always regretted using her for battle.

“Father?” Thor had entered the room.  Allise sat in her velvet chair with a smile on her face.  Using her powers, she was going to force Odin to make Thor ask Raina to be his bride.  They were wasting time here when she could be home, making plans of her own.

Odin stood at his son’s presence and gave Allise a pleading look, “Would you mind, my queen, if Thor and I had a moment to speak?”

She stood, her black dress making no noise, “Of course.  I will be in the hall admiring the view of Asgard.”

She walked past Thor.  My daughter will have a fine husband.  She shut the door silently behind.  Raina does not seem to appreciate the things I am working very hard to give her.  Allise looked out into the courtyard to see the warriors practicing.  Her own warriors were not as fierce as the Asgardians as her late husband saw no need for a sustainable war force.

She missed her husband.  He had missed most of Raina’s life.  He should have known better. 

“Well, well, well, Queen Allise of Vanaheim.”

She turned to see a blonde haired woman in skimpy clothing staring at her, “And you are….the castle concubine?”

The woman lowly chuckled, “No, your grace, I am Amora the Enchantress.  I was Loki’s lover, but it seems that he has chosen another.”

“Well, I am sure that he chose someone well beneath you, my dear,” Allise had heard of Amora and her “tricks” of the trade.  She was a sorceress that would do anything…for any man.

Amora looked out at the warriors, “Actually, he chose someone you know very well, my queen.  He visited her last night and spent the night in her bed.”

Allise was curious now.  She did not particularly care about Odin’s adopted son, but she did enjoy gossip.  Especially if she knew who the gossip was about, “What woman would lay with that son of a frost giant?”  She thought about her words and then said, “Not to offend you.”

Amora smiled, “No offense taken.  He was a delightful lover.  I must not have been enough though.  He has chosen your daughter as his next lover.”

Allise threw Amora against the wall, “You better take that back, you insolent little whore!”

Amora’s breathe was ragged as Allise’s hands were wrapped around Amora’s neck, “I…cannot…take back…what…is not…a lie…my queen.”

Allise could see it in her eyes that Amora was speaking the truth.  She let her go and started striding back in forth in a rage, “How could she lay with another!?  She is to marry Thor!”

Amora caught her breathe, “She must have fallen for one of his spells. I wouldn’t blame her, your majesty.  Loki has many spells he uses on women all the time.”

Allise glared at her, “My daughter would have known if he was.”

“Maybe she has an alternate plan up her sleeve,” Amora suggested.

“The only thing she would use him for is…to prevent a marriage from happening…” Allise added it up herself.  Raina thought that laying with Loki would prevent a marriage to Thor.  She is mistaken.  She will marry Thor whether she wished to or not!

Amora started walking away, “I just thought I would inform you of the infidelities of the court.”

The doors to the room where Thor and Odin had been talking opened and Thor looked furious.  It did not stop him from bowing to the queen, “I ask for your permission for your daughter’s hand in marriage, Queen Allise.”

Allise acted surprised, “Oh Thor! You really wish to ask for Raina’s hand?”

He tried to smile.  Allise knew that he was not pleased with having to push his proposal up, “Of course.  Your daughter is delightful.  Nay, she will be a great queen for Asgard.”

Allise nodded her head, “Then, Thor Odinson, I grant you permission to ask for my daughter’s hand.”

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