Raina: Chapter 17

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Loki filled his time with Amora.  He couldn’t feel anymore.  Every time he had a chance to think, all he could see was Raina’s crushed face.  She didn’t even try to communicate with him anymore.  He thought it would blow over, but he had forgotten that she was as stubborn as he.

Amora rolled over in bed and awoke, “Why do you look so sad, my dear Loki?”

He sported his best fake smile, “I am sad that you are bothering me again, Amora.”

Her face twisted into an ugly anger that he could not stand to look at, “Loki Laufeyson, you know how to offend women without even trying.  Do you realize who I am?”

He stood to dress himself and gave Amora a look over, “You are Amora the Enchantress.  Everyone knows who you are, my dear.  A spiteful woman of beauty and insignificant magical power.”

She had gotten out of bed and dressed in a flash, “I am Amora the Enchantress!  A sorceress that can make you kneel before me, Loki Laufeyson God of Mischief and Lies!  You cannot even tell me that you do not need me.  I am the water that quenches your thirst, my lord.  I am the one you always run back to because all the others are useless beings of false beauty.  You would not be where you are today without me.” 

Amora was in his face, nose to nose.  Loki grabbed the back of her head, fistful of hair, dragged her back to the bed, and threw her onto it, “You would be no where without me, witch!  I am the one who gave you your first mission, who believed in your magic enough to use you.  You are used to being used, aren’t you Amora.”

Her aura was black and green.  Her blonde hair was knotted around her bitter face, “You are cruel, Loki.  No wonder she decided to marry Thor instead of you.”

His chest tightened and his heart ached.  She didn’t even have to mention Raina’s name.  He could feel the sting of words like a slap to the face. This is what mortality feels like. He sat on the bed not trusting his own legs to hold him up anymore.

Amora kept a safe distance, just in case he attempted to grab her again. 

“I thought…I told her…and now….” He could not complete any sentence.  This woman, this princess, made him incompetent.  A tear fell down his cheek as he remembered her face before the proposal.  She was far more beautiful than any woman he had laid eyes on.  She was the God’s Nectar that he could not get enough of.   The way she looked at him when he woke up, her jade eyes were full of bliss and…Loki could have sworn that he had seen love in her eyes.  Finally, he had found someone that he loved and loved him in return to only lose her.  His spell did not work on her; she was too powerful.

Amora’s hands massaged his naked shoulders, “I will never leave you, my lord.  I will follow you to the bitter end.  I have been nothing but loyal to you and you only.”

He rotated to kiss Amora passionately and to try to forget Raina’s face again.

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now