Raina: Chapter 33

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Fate had not been gracious enough.  Even though they did not want to shed blood, it was inevitable.  Allise’s army came at the break of light and Odin’s battalion was ready for them.  Raina fought hard, letting her darkness flow with each death she took with her Sai.  Her only regret that it was against her own brethren.  So far, she had not found Argo, but she figured he would try to go for the leading commander of the battalion, so she stuck close to Odin as much as she could.

“Princess Raina, you should really be looking for your friend!” Odin shouted as he struck down a soldier.

Raina cringed as she recognized the soldier, but his name was not coming to her mind at the moment.  If I give him a name, it will only break my heart more.   The darkness tickled in the back of her mind.  “I have a feeling if I stay close to you, I will find him!” she struck another on the head with the hilt of her Sai.

Sure enough, an older gentleman with long blonde hair and broad shoulders came forth and tried to attack Odin with a sneak blow to the side, but Raina blocked him and shoved Odin out of the way.

Argo’s eyes grew wide at the sight of Raina, “Princess Raina, please step aside.  I wish to cause no harm to you, but if you choose to stand in my way, I will have no other choice.”  His bowed his head of long blonde hair as a proper respect was given.

“Argo, please, stop your men,” Raina pleaded.

Argo raised his head, “I cannot, Raina.  Your mother has commanded that Asgard is the enemy and it is my duty to serve the queen.”

“She killed him, Argo, she killed the king.  She is a traitor of Vanaheim!  The Queen killed the King, your friend!  The man that you swore to protect with your very life and grew up with as a brethen.  She did it in cold blood.  Can you serve a queen that is a liar and a traitor?  She is nothing but an evil conniving witch!”  Raina spat out the last word in disgust.

Argo’s fierce battle face faltered, but his stance was still defensive, “She killed the king?”  Raina could hear Thor and Loki’s battalion closing in on them.

Raina shook her head, “She spelled and poisoned him.  She lied to you when she said that he died in his sleep.  She was jealous that he had found true love and wanted to take it from him.  And now she is jealous that I have found love.  She will never be happy until everyone is as miserable as she is.  I know she is your queen, Argo, but she does not deserve her title.  She doesn’t even deserve to live.  She has made the people of Vanaheim suffer since Father’s death.  He loved his kingdom, he loved his people and most importantly he loved his family including his fellow men in his army.  He would do anything for you or your men and women…does the queen offer you the same amenities that the king use to?  No because she has grown selfish and power hungry since his death.  Father came to me.  He spoke with me of her treacherous ways…he didn’t know until it was too late.”

Argo put his sword back into its sheath, “What will you have me do, Princess Raina?”

“Declare your loyalty to your true queen, Mae,” Raina replied.

“Your handmaiden, Mae?  She is..” then Argo made the connection, “Tara…she is Tara’s daughter.  I always knew there was a connection to Tara’s banishment, Mae’s sudden appearance and the king’s death, but I would have never realized that she was the king’s own daughter.” 

He thought for a moment.  Raina was almost sure that he would continue to fight by her mother’s side.

He looked at her, then grabbed one of his men that was fighting an Asgardian, “Spread the word that we are backing down and to ignore any commands sent out by the queen.”  His soldier was confused but knew better than to refuse an order by his general.

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