Raina: Chapter 13

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Loki found his brother in the training grounds in a full fight with Sif.

When Sif saw Loki, she scoffed, “What are you doing on the training grounds?”

Loki snapped, “To speak to my brother, not you.”

She growled, “It is not like you to make simple conversation with Thor.” 

“It is not like you to ever train with my brother and not get distracted by his good looks just as you did a few minutes ago,” he had noticed her looking at Thor and not concentrating on her fighting skills.  Ever since Thor and Jane had dissipated, Sif had been trying to get Thor’s heart with no prevail.

Making a comment like that made Sif angry, “You little-“

“Enough, you two.  Come, Loki, we shall talk now.  Keep practicing, Lady Sif,” Thor pulled Loki away.

“I can take her, Thor,” Loki smiled.

“You would use your magic to win.  That it unfair, brother,” Thor said seriously, “What is it you wished to talk about?”

“I overheard Queen Allise telling Raina that she was going to make you propose to Raina sooner than you are planning,” Loki said bluntly.

Thor was caught off guard.  He leaned against a pillar and looked out into the training ground, “I am not ready to do it.”

“She is not ready for it either…it might not help that I may have told her something last night,” Loki crossed his fingers that his brother would not get mad at him.  Thor may have given Loki permission to flirt with Raina, but he may have taken it too far last night.

Thor eyed him, “What did you do?”

Loki tried to say it fast, “I told her I loved her last night.”

Thor laughed, “Oh brother, this is the first that a woman has caught your interest.  What is your plan?”

“The unfortunate turn of events is that she is to be your intended.  Why do the fates work against me?” Loki scoffed in frustration his slender hands running through his black hair.

A footman walked frantically up to Thor, “Your father requests your presence immediately.”

“What could he want? Thor questioned.

Loki replied, “You know exactly what he wants…take away the only happiness that has come around since mother died…”

Thor winced at the mention of Frigga, their mother.  “I will try to make father see reason as to why I cannot ask Raina to marry me.  I may be able to put off the torture.”

“I do not see marrying Raina as torture,” Loki thought of her emerald eyes.  He smiled at her wickedness, but she still possessed innocence within her.  His dark beauty.

“I will do all I can to prevent any proposal.  Until we can come up with a plan,” Thor reassured Loki and walked in the direction the footman had come from.

“I sure hope so,” Loki decided to talk a stroll before finding his love and tell her his news.


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