Raina: Chapter 26

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“That went better than I thought it was going to be,” Jane said relieved.

Raina laughed, “I guess he is a true romantic at heart.  I am just as surprised as you are that he took it so well.”  They had made it back to Jane’s apartment after Jane made several stops to cancel and close many accounts.  Raina had thought this was pointless.  Many people would just think she had gone missing and would forget all about Jane Foster.  It must be for peace of mind. 

“How are we going to get to Asgard?” Jane asked.

“The BiFrost of course,” Raina said.

“But you told me that you are not really a body here, you are a soul…”

Raina smiled, “I still crossed the BiFrost to get here.  Heimdall can carry any passengers over the BiFrost as long as they are friend.”

Jane was pleased with this answer, “So, when we get back, you have to put your soul back into your body?”

“Yes, luckily I have the spell book and not my mother or else we would not be having this conversation.  Oh and once we reach Asgard, no one but you and Heimdall will be able to see me.”


Raina tried to explain, “The spell I used was tremendously powerful.  It was a combination of two spells:  sleeping death and a cloaking spell.  I used the sleeping death spell to put me out and make my soul walk and then the cloaking spell to hide my soul from anyone on Asgard.”

“You mean your mother.”

“Yes, my mother, who will be furious once I return.  It will lead to war against her,” Raina foresaw this the other night while she was sleeping.  Allise would rage war against Asgard when Raina and Loki pledged their love to each other.

“Do I need to pack anything?” Jane asked.

Raina looked around Jane’s apartment, “You will have a new life in Asgard.  Leave your old one behind.”

Jane sighed, “I guess I am ready.”

“You guess?” Raina questioned.

“If I do not need to bring anything with me then there is no reason to waste time here…besides the sooner we go back to Asgard, the sooner you can mend things with Loki and make a life together,” Jane clarified.

“I see.  We have to go somewhere open and isolated from the city so Heimdall can open the BiFrost to us,” Raina said as she button her coat back up.

Jane smiled, “I know a spot!”

They took Jane’s car this time.  Raina pointed out that when Jane’s car is found, they will wonder whose car it is.  Jane explained that they could run the plates and figure out that it is Jane’s and assume that she is missing.  They would search for her for a few weeks, have flyers up for a few months, but once a year had gone by they would forget about her and continue to look for other victims, especially since no evidence would be present and they check to see that Jane’s accounts were closed long before she went missing.

Jane took them to an abandoned storage unit shipyard.  They walked to an open area surrounded by storage units.  It was a little over midday, but the scene was almost perfect to watch the sun fall and for Jane it would be her last sunset on Midgard.

“Will you miss it?” Raina asked.

Jane stared at the sun, “Yes, I will miss being on Earth.  No, I won’t miss doing my daily routine of waking up, eating, working, and sleeping.  I think I will love my new life even more…particularly when it is eternity with Thor.”

Raina smiled, “It will be an adventure.  A new life and an old love.”

They watched the sun fall behind the horizon in hues of oranges, pinks and purples.  It was beautiful and breathtaking.  Raina wanted to capture it and keep it in her memory forever.  It was a perfect last sunset on Earth for Jane.

Once it was night, Raina and Jane stood in a remote area and Raina called out, “Heimdall, open the BiFrost!”

A flash of light exploded from the night sky and consumed Raina and Jane. 

To another person watching they would have seen two people sucked up through the light and then they would have been gone, with nothing left but a strange pattern on the ground that would fade by morning.

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