Raina: Chapter 29

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“She is to marry Thor, so the decision is final!  Princess Raina is to stay in Asgard.  You gave up the right to your daughter the moment you agreed to this marriage, Queen Allise,” Odin was putting his foot down.

Mae observed the queen as she was trying to gain her bargaining chip back, “She is my heir to the Vanaheim throne.  She and Thor are not yet married; therefore, our agreement is null in void, All-Father.”  The queen was growing frustrated and her face was strained and almost the same shade of red as her dress.

“Why not send her back, father.  She has caused more trouble here then she is worth,” Loki said aloud.

“My decision is final!” Odin exclaimed.

Allise raised her hand to summon a rod of lightning.  She had grown tired of the old man.  She was going to take Raina back even if she had to destroy the land of Asgard to have her, “You are a fool of a king!” 

Then a shot of lightning hit the one in her hand causing Allise to grab her hand to keep the pain down.  She was shocked and furious at whoever used magic on her.  Then she saw her.  Raina.

Raina should have known that her mother was causing chaos.  She did not plan on seeing her mother look so shocked, “Well, did you miss me or were you too busy arguing whether I should go back to Vanaheim when the real heir to the throne is sitting behind you.”

Allise looked behind herself to see Mae there, “What are you talking about?”

Raina looked at her mother with disgust, “You know exactly what I am talking about.  You used magic to become queen.  You took my father’s only happiness away from him and you killed him because he fell in love with the right person.”

Allise shook her hand and tried to keep her dignity in check, “Your father went against everything he knew and believed in for that woman.  He was going to abandon us!  He was going to abandon us for his whore and bastard child!”  Allise looked as terrible as she sounded.  Raina thought that maybe Raina’s absence had caused Allise pain, but then again Allise did not know what true pain was.

Raina raised her chin, “My father was an honorable man.  He taught me to believe in myself and to follow what I believed in until it was written in the stars.  I am not marrying Thor.  And I am not taking my place in Vanaheim.”

Allise stood and floated to Raina and grabbed Raina by the hair, “YOU WILL DO AS I TELL YOU TO!”

Raina exclaimed and used magic to push her mother off of her, “I will not!”

Odin yelled, “ENOUGH!  Queen Allise, you can return home!  Your daughter has decided the path that she wants.  I know what it feels like to have a child take their own path.”

Allise gave a haughty laugh, “Odinson, I do not care what path this insolent child takes.  She can go back to her sleeping death forever if it means that I will take Asgard myself.  I have been victorious in slaying many others who dared to challenge me and Asgard will be no exception.  I declare war on Asgard.  If you will not meet the deal of the Vanaheim princess marrying the Asgardian prince, then I declare war on you!”  She then looked at her daughter with anger in her eyes and a small shred of disappointment, “And you have chosen what?”

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