Raina: Chapter 6

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A knock at the door startled Raina.  She had been getting ready for the feast with the help of Mae.  She had tried on a million dresses, starting with the gold one Mae picked out and throwing dresses out of her way until she returned to the one-shoulder strap golden dress that clung to her curves perfectly.  She dawned blood red earrings and her fierce green eyes were outlined with black kohl.  She wanted to command the room tonight.  If the Goddess of Beauty envied any woman at the feast, it would be Raina.  Her long black hair was curled and ran down her back like a black waterfall. 

She replied to the knock, “Come in.”  She flicked her wrist and the door opened.

Loki walked in and stared at her.  She saw his reflection in her mirror.  His eyes traced her up and down hungrily.  She stood, turning as she rose form her chair, and looked him directly in the eyes.

“Is something out of place, Loki?”

She thought she saw a hint of color on his cheeks which he laughed at her, “Oh no, you will surely win Thor over tonight.”

She frowned, “Then I must change.”  She looked at Mae and Mae started to scramble in the closet for other dresses…again.

Loki raised his rather slender hand, “I meant that you would stop the heart of any God tonight, princess.”


Loki looked shock, “What?”

“My name is Raina, not princess, sweetheart or love.  Raina.  Please call me by my name,”  She gave him a fierce look.

“I am sorry.  Should I also call you Dark Princess or the Princess of Mischief as well,” he smiled coyly.  He had walked by her and sat on the edge of her vanity.

She looked at Mae.  Go.  I do not want you to hear this.  If anyone asks, you are trying to find the kitchen to get me a glass of soothing milk for my anxious stomach.

Mae nodded her head and left, closing the door behind her.

“She is obedient,” Loki looked at the door amusingly.

Raina was staring at him, “She is my only friend.  If you touch her, I will make your life miserable, Loki Laufeyson.”

Loki chuckled.  Raina almost passed out at the sight of his smile.  His glowing green eyes looked back at her and she nearly crumbled.  Something inside of her was pleading to do anything for those eyes.  What is wrong with me?  She moved closer to him, nearly nose to nose.

“Do you want to hear my proposition?” She said as proudly as she could without faltering. 

She heard him clear his throat before replying, “That is why I’m here, pr…Raina.”

“I want to help the girl escape.  Not just escape the dungeon she is in but back to her family,” Raina was so close to him.  She could hear his heartbeat quicken.

“And what will I get in return?” Loki was wanting a deal.

Raina was willing to deal her life for this girl, “Anything.”

Loki’s face grew more surprised with each word that left her mouth, “Alright.”  He stood up and started for the door.

She used her magic to get in front of him, “And what is it that you are saying alright to?”

His thin lips curled into a smile around his dazzling teeth. 

“I will help you, but...”

She was excited to hear he would help.

“You will refuse Thor’s proposal…”

She was even more excited to do that.

“And accept mine.”

She frowned.  Loki’s smile grew broader.  He had hit a nerve for her.  He might make her weak in the knees, but she still refused to marry.

She swallowed her pride.  I cannot be selfish.  This girl needs me. She closed her eyes and whispered, “I accept your offer.”

When she opened her eyes, he looked devilish.  He place his hands on her shoulders and pushed her aside gently, “Then it is a deal, Raina.”  Before he opened the door, he turned to her and demanded, “I do hope you agree to my proposal more enthusiastic than that.”  With that he opened the door and left Raina in awestruck.

Raina was angry, sad, and hopeful and most of all confused.  Tears escaped down her cheeks bringing the black kohl with them.  She sat on the bed of soft gray linens and wept until Mae came back to find her.

Mae scolded her for ruining her make-up and had to redo it all again. 


Mae stopped what she was doing.  She had never heard Raina’s voice so fearful before.

“I think…I think I made a deal with the devil.” 

Mae looked at Raina.  She had an expressionless face.  Raina could control her emotions, but this was the first time she was completely dumbfounded.

“He makes me feel different, but I still do not want to marry him.”

“What?” Mae sat across from Raina, picking up her grey dress skirt.

“I traded my life for the girl’s.  I sacrificed my freedom.  I am going to be married for sure, Mae,” Raina started to tear up again.

Mae rubbed her cheek, “I am sure that a marriage to Thor will not be all that bad.”

Raina grabbed her friend’s hand, “It is not Thor that I will be marrying.”

Mae froze, “You didn’t...”

Raina shook her head.

“How can you deny a proposal from Thor and marry his brother instead?  Your mother will kill you.”

“He used a spell on me.  I knew it once he spoke the words that I had to accept.  I could feel him using magic on me. I am bound to him no matter what now.”

The bells rang loudly announcing the gathering of the feast.

Mae kissed Raina’s forehead and gave her a smile.

Raina forced a smile back to her friend.

“Let’s just make it through this feast, Raina.  Then we will find a way to break the spell.”

Raina:  The Dark Princess (LokiFanFic)Where stories live. Discover now