~Why won't you speak~

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-Josh's POV-

I dont know what I did wrong. Tyler hasn't talked to me for the past two weeks. I tried to text him and he wouldn't even answer.

Maybe because I left him in the gym with Jenna? Or because I forced him to play basketball against those two guys? What did I do? Ugh.

Maybe he just didn't want to be around me.

No. Tyler is to nice to do that to someone. Especially one of his friends.

Especially me.

This is making me stressed out. I should just talk to him, I have given him enough space long enough.

I closed my locker and breathed in and out before turning around and walking down the hall to my first class, with Tyler.

When I walked into the classroom the teacher wasn't there and everyone was out of their seats all around the class with their friends talking.

I instantly spotted Tyler. He was sitting on his desk with his legs crossed and Jenna was standing in front of him laughing at something he had probably said. I felt a pang of jealousy seeing he had made her laugh and was still talking to her but not me.

I sucked in a breath and tried best to look confident as I walked over to Tyler, well partly to Tyler. My life is full of interruptions and this time it was the annoncments.

"Good Morning students. Please stand for the Pledge of Alegence." The guidance councilors voice booms.

Everyone in the class stood and put their right hand over their chest and looked at the American flag hung in the corner of the room.  "I pledge alegence, to the flag..."

The councilor went through the rest of what she had to say and ended the morning announcements with a quote, just like every other day.

Everyone had gone to their seats after announcements cut off, probably figuring that the teacher would come into the classroom any minute now.

He didn't. We had been sitting here for the past five minutes now, just waiting. Some people had gotten up and went back to their friends. Tyler and Jenna remained in their seats since they were side by side. They were still talking to each other until I decided now was the time I needed to talk to Tyler.

I got out of my seat and walked over to Jenna and Tyler's desks. Tyler's back was turned to me so he couldn't see me and Jenna just haden't saw me.  I cleared my throat getting their attention. Jenna looked up and Tyler turned around and I smiled at both of them before completely focusing in Tyler.

"Tyler, can I talk to you for a second?"

He looked at me, then Jenna. "Sure, I'm right here."

"No, I mean uh, alone."

Tyler looked back at Jenna who sighed. Tyler looked between her and I for what seemed like a whole minute then he nervously stood up and walked out of the classroom and I happily followed, I was finally coming to find out what I did wrong.

We stood outside of the classroom door and I spoke first. "Tyler...what did I do wrong?"

He furrowed his eyebrows showing pure confusion. "What?"

"You won't talk to me. Why?"

Tyler sighed and ran a hand through his thick, brown hair. "Josh I'm sorry, it's just I-I can't."

"What? Why? Tyler. Please talk to me."

Out if the corner of my eye I saw the teacher quickly walking to the classroom and Tyler must have saw him to because he started to slowly walk back into the classroom.

"I'm so so sorry Josh." Then he was gone. He had left me in the hall, clueless as ever. I slowly walked back into the classroom and sat down in my seat, putting my head down. I felt like I was goning to cry, which is stupid but it really hurt knowing he didn't want to talk to me.

The teacher walked in and said how sorry he was for being this late and then he started to talk about what we were going to be doing today. I wasn't paying attention thought, I was trying to think of any reason at all why Tyler wouldn't talk to me.


All day I had ignored everyone. I was completely bummed out. He still hadn't talked to me, and I'm almost positive he hadn't even looked at me.

I was now at home, laying across my bed staring at Tyler's contact debating whether I should text him or not. I decided I would.

Me: Hey Tyler.
Sent at 4:37 p.m.

Now I would wait. I read through some of our older texts and couldn't help but smile at his contact name. 'Tyler the Taco'. Then I sighed. It was kind of like the name was taunting me because I didnt know if I would ever be able to call him that again, let alone talk to him.

I needed something to distract me from thinking about this. I decided to go down to the basement and play my drums. And that's what I did for a whole hour, and it would have been longer if it wasn't for Ashley.

"Josh! Shut up!" She screamed, bursting through the door in nothing but a towel wrapped around her.

I threw a drumstick at her but she quickly dodged it. "Ew! Ashley, go put some clothes on!"

"And you shut up!" She screamed back at me.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" I ask her generally concerned now. What happened to the sweet Ashley?

"Nothing's wrong Josh, just shut up."

"I drum all the time, what's so annoying this time?" l bang on the drum once with the drum stick I still had in one of my hands.

"JOSH!" Ashley screams at me with a glare.

"Okay, okay. I'm done, I swear."

"Thank you." And with that she spins around on her heels and goes up the stairs and out of the basement.

I roll my eyes at her and stand up from my drum set. I make my way up the stairs and close the basement door behind me. I went to my room and the first thing I saw was my phone laying there on my bed.

I went and picked it up and immediately went to Tyler's number to see if he had answered me.

Me: Hey Tyler.
Read at 4:49 p.m.

Of course he had read it, just like all the other messages.

Of course he hadn't answered, just like all the other messages.

If it wasn't for Ashley I would have still been in the basement without a care in the world playing my drums as a distraction.

Now my mind was back on Tyler, just like every single night since the last time he talked to me. This time I couldn't handle the fact he might never talk to me again.

I scrambled up to my headboard and layed my back against it and pulled my knees to my chest. And I just sat there sitting in silence, staring at the wall willing myself not to cry.


I'm a terrible person. I'm sorry! So far this book doesn't match the description what so ever but believe me it will, just wait for it.

I dont really think this took a long time to publish but it might have to y'all so I'm sorry if it did.

Also the chapter title...I'm so punny. ok I'll go now.



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