~No more distractions~

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-Tyler's POV-

I woke up to a pounding headache. I looked over at the little digital clock to check the time. 6:43 was what it read in its neon blue, blinding letters. Well they probably weren't blinding, it was because of the major migraine I was having.

I groaned and rolled over to face a sleeping Josh. His pink hair was all over the place. I started playing with the curly locks of hair.

"Tyler?" He croaked out, his voice was raspy but attractive in a way.

"I woke you up?" I asked guiltily.

"Yeah but it's okay."

"I'm sorry." I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes but it wasn't from guilt, it was from this stupid migraine.

"Tyler, we need to get you more anti depressants." Josh began to sit up which moved the bed causing me to cringe at the pain in my head.


He quickly stopped and gave me a confused glance. "What's wrong."

"I have a headache." I felt a tear fall down my face from all the pain.

"Do you think it will go away soon?" He asked worriedly. "You're crying..."

I shook my head but quickly stopped when I felt pain again. "No."

"Just lay down and try to sleep. Maybe it will go away." He quickly but gently got out of the bed before finding his shirt and putting it on. He grabbed his key card and came around the bed before lightly kissing my cheek and leaving the room.

I decided to just wait patiently for him to come back and not think about where he went. My head was pounding and I could still feel the tears coming down my face.

"Hey, maybe he went off to go see Brendon early." I heard Blurryface for the first time in a while.

"No, no, no, no, no. Why are you back?" I whispered, trying not to make my migraine any worse.

"I'm tired of you. Why can't you die?"

"Why can't you die?" I whispered back in a challenging voice.

"You know, I tried to kill you a couple of weeks ago. I was doing you a favor since you wanted to get rid of me."

One month ago

-Blurryface's POV-

He thought he could get rid of me with the help of his boy toy Josh, huh? He began to text him with shaky hands which only made me laugh at his weakness. Coward.

"You think Josh can save you? Think again." I told him just before I took over. I smirked down at Tyler's hands, well my hands now.

I stood up and looked in the mirror. My hands and neck were black and my eyes were glowing red. Perfect.

I went around the room looking for something sharp to make Tyler suffer...or die. Either one works for me. He wanted to get rid of me so if he dies I'm doing him a favor anyway.

I found a pencil sharpener and unscrewed it quickly knowing that Josh, that idiot, would be here soon.

When I got the little blade out I sat on the floor and began cutting his arm along his vein. (A/N: I AM SO SORRY, I CAN'T, I'M CRYING.) The blood poured out, satisfying me. I then did his other arm. I didn't feel anything but Tyler certainly would, if he survived.

Right before I was about to lay down I heard Josh downstairs. I curled the blade into my hand and laid down, just as the door swung open.

Broken Angel~ A Joshler Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now