~This is awkward~

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-Brendon's POV- (Briefly)

I'm an idiot. I quickly got off of the bed as Josh stared at me in shock. I left the room and went down the stairs and out the back door.

I sat on one of the chairs on the deck, putting my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands, looking down at the wood of the deck.

Why did I tell him I liked him? He clearly loves Tyler. What's wrong with me? Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

"Brendon?" I heard Josh ask. I didn't answer him. "Brendon... I-"

"Josh." I looked up to see him standing at the door. "I know you like- I know you love Tyler. I can't change that. You probably don't want to talk to me anymore or see me after this." I let out a bitter laugh.

Josh sat in the seat beside me, "Brendon, this isn't going to change anything. You'll always be my friend."

"Yeah, your friend." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, Brendon. I can't change the fact that I'm with Tyler now... I really did like you. I wasn't over you for a while, I thought I never would get over you but..."

"You're over me now. Right. I can't just get over you, Josh."

"I'm sorry." He laid a hand on my forearm, sending chills up my arm.

"You shouldn't be sorry. It's fine, I'll be okay. I'm happy for you and Tyler." I lied.

"Really?" Josh asked.

"Uh huh." I turned the other way.


"Okay, I'm envious of Tyler. He gets you and I don't. But I don't like...dislike him or anything. Just really jealous. He's a great guy."

Josh smiled, "So are you. Do you think Tyler heard anything...?"

"He was knocked out. I don't think so."

"Good. Tyler's a little...well he's having really bad mood swings at the moment and other stuff."

"I've realized that." I stood up, Josh following my actions. "I'm going back inside."

Before I made it through the door Josh grabbed my shoulder, "Brendon, are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

"I'll be fine, I promise." I turned around and smiled at him.

He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. It only lasted like two seconds but a hug is a hug. We pulled away and he smiled at me before walking into the house with me following behind him.

-Tyler's POV-

"...I never stopped liking you. But it doesn't matter. You have Tyler now. But... I shouldn't have said anything." I heard a familiar voice say. Was that Brendon?

I heard someone sigh, Josh. "Brendon..." I heard him say before he gently got up, laying me down.

I opened my eyes after about two minutes and found myself laying on Brendon's couch in his room. That was Brendon talking...to Josh. He still likes Josh.

I started to panic, where did they go? I got off of the chair and quietly walked down the stairs. 

Then I heard them coming through the back door, into the house.

I quietly, but quickly, ran back up the stairs and jumped onto the couch, trying my best to match my previous position.

I head Brendon and Josh walk in before one of them sighed.

"Oh, thank god. He's still asleep." I heard Brendon say.

"Yeah, we should get ready to go to sleep I guess." Josh said. I felt the couch dip beside me before Josh lifted my head and put it in his lap, playing with my hair.

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