~He doesn't love you~

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-Tyler's POV-

Josh and I walked back to my house hand in hand but the only thing I could think about the whole way there is that I love him. How was I going to tell him? What if he didn't love me back?

"Tyler, what's Wrong?" Josh asked worriedly, squeezing my hand.

"Nothing...I was just thinking."


"You." I pecked his cheek and we continued to walk. In a way it was true I guess.

We got to my house and walked through the back door and into the living room. My mom and Ashley were still sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Where have you two been?" My mom asked when she saw us.

Josh looked at our intertwined hands then to me with a smile. I nodded knowing he was trying to ask if it was okay to tell them.

"Um, Tyler and I have something to tell you." Josh pulled me into the living room and we sat down on the couch across from mom and Ashley.

Mom paused the TV and looked at Ashley with a wide smile, "Okay. Go ahead."

"So, uh. We're together now." Josh said, holding our hands up.

My mom did exactly what I expected her to do, along with Ashley. They both jumped up and tackled us in a giant hug.

"Finally! Y'all are the perfect couple!" Ashley said with a giant smile.

They finally got off of us and Josh had a huge smile on his face.

"The smile is fake." Blurryface Said, I frowned and Josh must've noticed.

As mom and Ashley excitedly talked on the couch, Josh pulled me up to my room and sat me down on my bed.

"Tyler, what's wrong. Seriously, tell me."

"I'm fine, Josh. Really." I faked a smile but Josh could see right through it.

"Stop lying to me, Tyler. Please...tell me what's wrong. I don't like seeing you upset."

"I...he always talks about you. Saying things like you're going to leave me, you're not happy to be with me, you're using me, you're faking being happy with me."

"Tyler, none of that's true. I care about you so much, don't let him get to you, please. For me."

I smiled at him, a real smile. He sat down beside me and lightly kissed my lips before grabbing my hand.

I love you so much.


Josh and Ashley eventually left but I don't think they went home. My mom offered to let them stay but Josh nicely declined 'not wanting to be a barden' I quote. So now I was left alone in my room with just my bad thoughts.

I should be happy. The boy I love is now my boyfriend but I'm not happy. I want to be happy but I can't. My happiness only last for a little while.

Now all I could think of is if he loved me back. Probably not. 

"Nope, he doesn't love you. Never will either. Stop hoping, Tyler." Blurryface said.

"You don't know that." I whispered.

"Of course I do. You trusted me at one point, trust me again."

"No. Why would I trust you? You tried to kill me."

"Actually you tried to kill yourself."

"It was your fault."

"Uh huh, trust me. He doesn't love you."

"Yes he does."

"All day you've been saying he can't love you back and now your saying he does. I'm telling you that you were right before. He doesn't love you and he can't."

"Why can't he?"

"Because why would he love someone he's eventually going to leave? In fact, why would anyone love you?"

"Why can't you leave?"

"I told you already: When I leave, you die. Simple as that. You want me gone, you die."

I looked over to the pencil sharpener on my desk then shook my head. My breathing got heavy and a tear slid down my cheek. Why do I have to live like this?

"I'm not going to die. Not on purpose to get rid of you...I have Josh to help me get rid of you."

"Josh can't do anything."

"When I'm with him I can't hear you."

"I'll remember that."

"What do you mean?" I frantically asked. He didn't answer.


Now I understood what Blurryface said. Every time I was alone with Josh now I could hear him. Saying Josh doesn't care about me, he doesn't love me, and a bunch of other stuff. It was miserable. I knew I should have told Josh but I didn't want him to worry. 

It had been two weeks. Two weeks. I couldn't stand it any longer. I needed to get rid of him but I didn't know how. Well I did but I wasn't going to consider that.

It seemed like he was getting louder and louder with each day that passed. I couldn't control myself anymore, sometimes it felt like he was controlling me. I haven't had a single dream where I hadn't seen him since I started dating Josh. He even made me consider breaking up with him but I knew better.

Now I was sat in my room with tears flowing down my face. My hands were shaking as I just listened to Blurryface. I wasn't responding at this point.

"Let me take over, Tyler. Why am I even asking? I can take over whenever I want. You're to weak to fight me off."

He had never said that, I was actually scared now. I did what I thought was smart and picked up my phone, going to Josh's contact.

Me: come over...now.

My hands were shaky so it took a couple of tries before I could type the message with no mistakes. He should be here any minute.

"You think Josh can save you? Think again." Everything went blank.

-Josh's POV-

Tyler the taco <3 - come over...now.

I quickly rushed out of my house and ran down the road. Something was wrong. Tyler had been acting really weird lately, he hadn't been acting like himself. I could see fear in his eyes every time he talked and when I asked what was wrong he would just fake a smile and say nothing.

I ran as fast as my legs would take me to Tyler's house wondering what was wrong. When I got there I knocked on the door and Kelly answered.

"Oh hey, Josh...did you run all the way here?" She furrowed her eyebrows and I just shrugged.

"Yeah, I'm fine though. Just wanted to see Tyler." I told half of a lie.

"Aw, well he's been quite moody lately. Maybe you can cheer him up. He's been in his room all night."

"Okay." I walked in and speed walked up the stairs.

I opened the door and let out a scream at what I saw. Tyler was laying on the floor with blood all around him.


Ya girl here to make crap sad again because its been happy for way to long. Sorry not sorry. Don't worry I'm going to update in like...I don't know, two or three hours. Don't kill me.

That part where it switched to Josh's POV I was going to have it as Blurryface's POV but I changed my mind because I didn't want you to know what happened to Tyler.

I'll leave you on that giant cliffhanger and start running before you track me down and try to kill me. Bye guys, don't cry. Oh god, I can see the comments now.



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