~What's yours is mine~

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-Tyler's POV-

Okay, so Josh may have made Dr.Thomas mad but it was a good thing. After that he hasn't been rude. The perks of having a boyfriend with no filter.

I was just getting home from my third therapy session and Josh was happily walking through the door of my house behind me. Tomorrow we would leave to meet Brendon and Josh couldn't wait to see him. He hasn't seen what he looks like now, only pictures on social media.

Brendon had moved back to his home state, Utah, so we would have to take a plane but we already had tickets. My mom was coming with us since we would be gone for a week, she was going to stay at the hotel most of the time though according to herself.

Once we got to my room Josh collapsed onto my bed. He had to lie to his parents about who he was going to visit, well partly. He just told them he was going to go see an old friend from their old town. They really didn't care though.

I collapsed onto the bed beside Josh, half of my body on top of him. I began playing with his fluffy, blur hair.

"Your hair is so fluffy." I commented.

He turned around and gave me a smile but it looked like he wanted to laugh. "I'm aware."

"You should re dye it. The blue is starting to fade."

"Let's do it." Josh got off of my bed and pulled me up by the unbandged part of my arms. Yeah, it had been almost four weeks since I got out of the hospital but I hadn't seen my arms. I got Josh to rebandge them for me but I just closed my eyes as he did so.

It still kind of stung when something touched it, but it didn't really hurt. Of course, Josh still tried not to touch the bandages anyway.

He pulled me out the front door by my hand and began walking down the street.

"Where are we going?" I wondered out loud.

"To the store."


"Hair dye. We're gonna die my hair."

"Oh, fun." I said enthusiastically, skipping beside Josh.

We made it to the store and went to the isle where the hair dye was.

"Which color should we get?" Josh asked me, looking at all of the different, bright colors.

"Um..." My eyes scanned over the many colors before they landed on a pink. Bubble Gum the box read. I picked up the box, handing it to Josh.

"Of all things?" He asked me, looking down at the box.

I happily nodded my head, grabbing his hand and pulling him to checkout. The cashier took the dye, looking at Josh's hair.

"I assume this is for you?" She asked him with a polite smile.

Josh nodded, smiling.

"I think it will come out great. You're rockin' the blue already." She said with a wink.

Josh awkwardly laughed, lifting our intertwined hands to scratch his head. I think he did that on purpose so she could see our hands, which made me smile. She saw our hands and finally glanced at me.

"What are you two, cousins?" She asked Josh.

"He's my boyfriend." He then kissed my cheek making the cashier look down.

"Right. The hair dye is four twenty-eight." She mumbled.

We paid for the dye and walked out of the store, chuckling.

Broken Angel~ A Joshler Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now