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-Tyler's POV-

5 years later

"Josh, where are we going?" I sighed as he guided me to wherever we were going. He had put a blindfold over my eyes, I called it cliche but he said he didn't care.

"Shh, you'll see." He said, pulling my hand so I would walk faster.

I huffed and wordlessly continued to walk. I could hear leaves crunching under my feet with each step I took but I still didn't know where I was.

After about five more minutes Josh let go of my hand and I heard more crunching of leaves and shuffling around me.

"Okay, take off the blindfold." Josh instructed.

I untied the fabric that was coving my eyes and gasped at what I saw next. Josh had taken me to our tree and my parents, Ashley, Jenna, and even Brendon were all there in a line by the tree facing me. Josh stood in front of the tree with a smile.

"What are you doing, Josh?" I asked, "Why is everyone here? What's going on?"

Josh breathed in shakily before beginning to talk, "Tyler, I remember the day we met, at the movies. You kept looking at me and I would catch you and you'd look away with a blush. I remember my first day at school. You and Jenna were there for me. I remember when we stopped Talking that one time and we both broke. I remember when you were in the hospital. I remember all of the therapy sessions I went to with you. All of those memories are from one year, we have so many more but if I named them all we would be here for days. I'm glad that I got to share all of those memories with you, some good some bad."

"Josh..." I trailed off. Where was this going exactly?

"I love you for being in those memories, I love that you were the one I got to share them with. I want to have so many more memories with you." He got down on one knee.

I think I might die from producing so many tears the moment he pulled a black velvet box out of his back pocket. I cover my mouth with my hands and everyone around smiled. Josh opened the lid and there was a diamond ring sitting there and once again, I think I might die.

"Tyler Robert Joseph, I love you so much and I would love to have the honor of calling you my husband. Will you marry me?"

I could only nod, to happy to say a word. Josh grinned, slipping the ring onto my finger before standing up and pulling me into a hug before pulling away and crashing his lips onto mine as everyone around us clapped.

"I love you so much." Josh whispered, leaning his forehead against mine.

"I love you too." I managed to get out through all of my sobbing.

Josh smiled before kissing me once again, completing this moment.


2 years later

I heard Josh walk through the door of our apartment and I happily ran to the door of our bedroom, waiting for him to come down the hall. I was going to surprise him, in a stupid way but oh well.

Josh walked down the hall and saw me standing at the entrance of our room, he smiled at me.

"Hey, Tyler." He started to walk towards me and I quickly put my hands out, stopping him.

"I have something to tell you." I said quickly before he could come closer to the bedroom.

"What is it?" He asked, leaning against the wall across from me.

"I'm pregnant." I said with a grin. Stupid, I know.

Josh looked at me as if I was insane. "Uh, did you take your pills today? Because if not I think crazy is a side effect."

Broken Angel~ A Joshler Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now