~Down memory lane~

128 11 5

-Josh's POV-

"How do you...do this...everyday?" I panted inbetween words while looking at Tyler. I rested my hands on my knees and hunched over to catch my breath.

Tyler gave me a flat look after he shot the basketball at the hoop making it in yet again. "Josh we're only playing basketball in a driveway. How are you out of breath?"

"Pft, I'm...I'm not...out of breath." I waved Tyler off, still trying to catch my breath.

"Yeah, sure. I'll go get you water."

"No, I can....I can get it." I slowly rose and put my hands on my hips, still panting.

Tyler shook his head at me with a laugh. "Yeah, I don't think you can."

I narrowed my eyes at Tyler playfully but didn't reply. He gave me a bright smile before disappearing into the house leaving me outside.

When I finally caught my breath I strode over to the basketball, that had bounced to the middle of the driveway, and picked it up. I shot it at the net and missed once again. How was Tyler so good at this?

I groaned and ditched the ball before sitting on the sidewalk, waiting for Tyler to come back outside.

I finally heard footsteps from behind me and then Tyler plopped down beside me, handing me a juice box.

I stared down at the juice box then looked back at Tyler and he shrugged. "I thought we had water bottles, turnes out we don't."

"But you have juice boxes..." I trailed off looking at Tyler strangely.

"I didn't buy them and its a juice pouch, not a juice box." Tyler had a faint smile on his face as he poked his straw into the little hole in the juice pouch and began slurping.

"Same difference." I waved off, liking this side of Tyler. He was like a little, sassy kid.

I poked my straw into the pouch and began slurping, drinking all the juice within a couple of seconds. I frowned at the empty pouch and looked over at Tyler who was still somehow slurping on his.

Tyler soon realized I was looking at him and he raised an eyebrow at me with his almost empty juice pouch hanging from his mouth. "What?" He mumbled out.

"How have you not finished that thing yet?" I asked, trying not the laugh at how rediculous he looked right now, rediculous in a cute way of course.

Tyler shrugged but then a smile found its way onto his face. "Ready to play some more basketball?"

"Oh, god no." I answered quickly, shaking my head.

Tyler laughed at my response before getting off of the sidewalk. "Suit yourself." He then proceeded to play basketball while I watched him.

At he played I couldn't help but realize all of the small details about him that I found attractive somehow. When he was about to shoot the ball he would squint his eyes at the net with so much focus. Whenever he shot the ball you could see his bicep muscles flex which screamed attractive. Heck, everything about him screamed attractive. His captivating brown eyes, his personality, his smile, everything.

"Josh!" Tyler was snapping his fingers across my face, finally snapping me out of my thoughts...about him.

"Huh?" I asked not knowing what he had said before.

"I was asking when did you want me to take you home?"

Right, it was Sunday meaning I had to leave today. I didn't want to, I loved being here. Tyler's mom and dad were great, especially his mom. His dad was a little distant but he was a nice guy.

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