~I was never okay~

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-Tylers's POV-

We left the park and went to my house. We walked hand in hand the whole way there.

We got to the front door and before I could get his key out, the door swung open revealing my mom who was smiling at us.

"Hello Josh." Her smile was from ear to ear and I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

"Hi, Kelly." Her eyes wondered down to Josh and I's Hands. Josh tried to slip his hand out of mine but I only gripped his hand tighter.

If it was possible, moms smile somehow grew even bigger. She didn't say anything, just ushered us into the house.

I dragged Josh up the stairs and into my room before closing and locking the door behind us.

I let go Of his hand and sat on my bed, leaning against the headboard. Josh followed behind me, doing the same. He grabbed my hand again and my heart did a little flutter inside my chest.

We sat in a comfortable silence and my mind wandered back to us kissing in the park. A smile formed on my face when I saw Josh smiling. I knew he was thinking about the kiss in the park too.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked, poking my cheek. I knew what he was thinking, I just wanted to mess with him.

"I'm thinking about kissing you again." He said in a low voice.

I turned to face Josh, "Really? I was thinking the same thing." I then moved forwards and my lips were on his for the third time today. He grabbed my chin, pulling me closer to him. I snaked my arm around his back and he moved his leg so I could get even closer, if that was possible.

Our mini make out session ended when there was a knock at the door, making us spring apart.

"Coming." I breathed out, running a hand through my hair. I got up and quickly unlocked and opened the door, its a good thing that was locked.

"Why was the door locked?" Mom asked once I opened the door, I could her amusement in her voice.

"No reason." I quickly answered.

"Mhm, are you boys hungry?"

I looked back at Josh and he shook his head, "No." I answered looking back at my mom.

"Okay, I'll be downstairs if you need me."

I sighed and closed the door, locking it again. I went and sat back beside Josh.

"So." Josh said, I could tell he was still thinking about what had just happened between us.

"That was fun." I said, grinning. Josh shook his head with a quiet laugh. My smile slowly faded when I realized I wanted to tell Josh everything now. "Anyway...I'm ready to tell you. I know I can trust you and I want to tell you now."

"Tell me what?" He asked, confused.

"Tell you my story and stuff."

"Okay. I'm listening."

"Okay," I took a deep breath. "There's a voice in my head."

"A voice?" Josh asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes, he has a name too; Blurryface."

"Where'd Blurryface come from?" He asked, I could tell he was curious.

"When I...when I was eleven, I always had this feeling like people were talking about me behind my back...I never really had any friends except Jenna. One day she left school early and I had to sit at lunch by myself. Then I heard this voice in my head, it was quiet at first. It was telling me all of these bad things and saying that nobody wanted to be my friend. I believed it because, well I didn't have any friends."

I felt Josh grab my hand and squeeze it lightly, I was kind of zoned out, lost in the bad memories. 

"It was like he couldn't leave. He was there all the time, as I got older he got louder and I started believing everything he was saying. I even...I even started doing the things he would tell me to do."

A tear slid down my cheek but I continued.

"When I was thirteen I realized everything Blurryface was telling me was what people were saying about me behind my back. I overheard someone talking about me one day and from then on I just kind of shut everyone out besides Jenna and Blurryface. I even shut my parents out... So one day...I told Jenna about all of the things I heard people saying about me and she comforted me, I told her everything except for anything having to do with Blurryface. I didn't tell anyone about him. But that day...Jenna had to leave...I...Blurryface t-told me to...he told me to k-kill myself."

By now I had tears running down my face. I didn't want to finish the story but I had to.

"I-I listened to him. I tried. I took a blade out of...out of a pencil sharpener and I went and locked myself in the bathroom...I cut myself a bunch of times..."

I looked down at my arm before holding it out in front of Josh. They were barely visible but if you looked close enough you could see a bunch of faint lines running from my wrist all the way up my forearm. "Tyler..." Josh trailed off but I continued my story.

"I let the blood run into the sink trying to bleed to death..." A choked sob left my throat but I continued. "But my mom heard me crying...she picked the lock and came into the bathroom. When she saw me...she looked so scared and sad...and it was my fault. I did faint from all the blood lost a little after she came in but I woke up with a bandaged arm and my mom crying by my bed... She made me an appointment to a therapist the next week. Everyone thought that therapy was working but it really wasn't. I was lying to the therapist about everything. I stopped going to therapy when everyone thought I was going to be okay. I was never okay. I wasn't okay then, and I'm not okay now. I still hear Blurryface, he appears in my dreams, I even saw him once. He looks like me but he has red eyes and his hands and neck are black. He's like a demon or something.  He always tells me nobody cares about me, people are going to leave me...you're going to leave me." I whispered the last part.

I looked at Josh to find him looking at me with tears freely falling down his face. "Tyler. Don't listen to him, I'm never leaving you. If he is the demon then you're the angel." Josh looked into my eyes then dipped his head down and kissed my forehead. "You're a broken angel, and I'm going to put you back together. I promise."

That made me cry even more, I hugged Josh close to me never wanting to let him go. How had I been so lucky to meet him?

"W-without you...I don't know where I would b-be. Thank you for being here for me. Please don't ever l-leave." I choked out, sobbing into Josh's shirt.

"I'm never leaving. I'll always be right here. We'll fight Blurryface together. We can do it." He rubbed my back, holding me tight.

"Thank you Josh." I never had someone to help me fight Blurryface. Now I do, and I am so glad it's was Josh.


I'm not even going to lie, this made me cry and I'm the one writing it.

Sorry for that sad chapter but you got Tyler's whole story of where Blurryface came from plus more Joshler action in the beginning.

I'll update soon, byeeeee



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