~Stop thinking these things~

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-Tyler's POV-

"Play a song for me, Tyler." Josh smiled at me from the piano bench.

"Um... Maybe later."


I don't know what made me agree but something did."...Ok, fine." I got off of the couch and slid onto the bench beside Josh.

What was I going to play exactly? I wanted to play a song I had written. I had never done this before, so why now? Why for Josh? Only Josh.

"Tyler if you don't want to-"

"No, I want to, it's just...I've never done this before. I have a song."

I got off the piano bench to grab my ukelele and sat back down beside Josh.

I took a deep breath and started.

"There's miles of land in front of us...

And we're dying with every step we take, we're dying with every breath we make...

And all fall in line.

A stranger's back is all I see, he's only a few feet in front of me...

And all look left and right sometimes, but all fall in line..." I was doing great, until...

"...and heaven forbid they see you cry..." I looked up trying to prevent the tears from falling. "As w-we fall in...line...I can't do this Josh. I'm sorry."

He doesn't even speak, he just stands up and pulls me into giant hug. That song brought back memories I would rather not mention.

"It's ok, Tyler." He coos gently into my ear while stroking my hair. It instantly made me feel better. I liked when he did that. 

I felt Josh guiding us backwards to the couch and he sat us down, all while still hugging me.

I don't know how long he was holding me but eventually my eyes started to get heavy. My head fell into the crook of Josh's neck and then my eyes completely shut.


I woke up to a tuff of blue hair in front of my eye. I smiled and gently moved it away. Josh's head was laying on top of mine and he was lightly snoring, aw he's snoring. I gently lifted Josh's head off of mine and onto a pillow.

I grabbed my phone off the piano to check the time. 2:26 a.m. we slept for 5 hours, holy crap. I debated on waking Josh up or not but then I decided against it. He looked so peaceful and cute. I wouldn't mind waking up to that everyday.

Wait. What am I saying?

You're straight Tyler, don't think like that.

Sure I am. I looked back at Josh and couldn't help but wonder how he felt about me.  But earlier he said he didn't like anyone at the moment...

Whatever. It doesn't matter to me...

I sigh and look back at Josh's sleeping figure. How was I going to get him up two flights of stairs without waking him up?

I quietly went over to him and thought then I had an idea. I picked Josh up bridal style, which was surprisingly easy, he was pretty light.

I slowly made my way up the steps and finally got the the door, which was thankfully already open.

I walked through the living room, almost tripping over the rug but I caught myself. I looked down at Josh and all he did was stir a little.

Gosh, he was a heavy sleeper.

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