~Yo man and your boy~

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(Quick A/N: This chapter I'm going to switch POVs a lot, just letting you know before you start reading it. And it isn't just Tyler and Josh this chapter so yeah.)

-Tyler's POV-

That couldn't have been for me...

He didn't like me, not the way I like him. He couldn't, I mean who would like me?

"Only an idiot, obviously." Blurryface reported. If I could see him I can garuntee he would be rolling his eyes.

"Shut up." I whispered back. I wasn't in the mood for this.

I decided to text Josh about the note.

Me: Hey, You left a note or something in my car...

I didn't want to tell him what was written on it. I decided to let him figure that out on his own.

-Josh's POV-

My phone buzzed from the coffee table, letting me know I had gotten a text.

"Ashley can you get my phone?" I asked my sister, who was sitting right beside me.

"Josh, you're right there. Stop being lazy." She retorted, still staring at the movie we were currently watching.

I groaned and rolled off the couch, falling onto the floor. I grabbed my phone and laid down on the floor, to lazy to get back on the couch.

Ashley rolled  her eyes at me. "Dramatic much?"

"You can't talk." I narrowed my eyes at her, jabbing my finger into her leg.


I nodded in reply, unlocking my phone. I smiled when I saw Tyler had texted me, going to my messages. When I read the text my heart stopped.

Tyler the taco: Hey, you left a note or something in my car...

I rushed to the door where I kept my bag and checked the side pocket where I had kept the note. It was gone. Oh no.

I had wrote it a while ago actually. I just didn't want to give it to him. I guess now that he had it, he knew. Maybe he didn't read it.

"Josh?" Ashley called me, confusion could be heard in her voice. "What's wrong?"

"I'm an idiot, Ashley. I wrote a note for Tyler telling him I liked him."


"It's not okay. I didn't want him to see it. It must've fell out of my book bag when I got out of his car. Now he has it. Dang it."

"Hey, calm down." Ashley got up from the couch and crouched beside me, placing a hand on my back.

"I don't think he read it."

Ashley handed me my phone, "Tell him."

"Tell him what?"

"Tell him to read it."

-Ashley's POV-

I was honestly tired of Josh talking about how much he liked Tyler. That day when Tyler came over it was clear he liked him too. They were the perfect couple. I know it's hard for Josh to be himself with mom and dad constantly judging him and stuff but he needs to be happy and I know Tyler is the one to make him happy.

I soothingly rubbed Josh's back as his shaky hands held his phone as he typed. I was here to make sure he would actually do this, for himself and Tyler.

It was cute how he had Tyler's contact name as 'Tyler the taco' but I decided now wasn't the time to comment on it.

Josh then sent the message hesitantly, which read: Tyler, read the note...it's for you.

Broken Angel~ A Joshler Fanfic (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now