~Detective Joseph~

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-Tyler's POV-

I left Josh's house around eleven. I didn't intend to stay that long but time flies when I'm with him. I walked into my house quietly, not wanting to wake my mom and dad because I knew they were sleeping by now.

I didn't bother taking a shower since it was so late, plus the shower was loud. I changed into a pair of sweat pants and took my shirt off before going to bed. I fell asleep a few minutes later with thoughts of Josh in my head.


I woke up late the next day but it didn't matter since it was Saturday. I had a mission to start today, a mission to find Brendon. I'm not the jealous type so I was willingly finding Josh's old boyfriend so they could meet up and maybe become friends again. I was totally fine with that, as long as Josh didn't catch feelings for him or anything. I wouldn't be mad, just crushed.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab some sort of food for breakfast. I decided on a poptart and a redbull. Who drinks redbull in the mornings? Me. I took my stuff to the livingroom and sat it on the table before running back upstairs and getting my phone and laptop. Nobody was at home so I decided to be a detective in the livingroom. I sat on the couch and opened up my computer, going to facebook. I then unlocked my phone and went to Instagram. I typed 'Brendon' into the search bar for both of them before realizing I didn't know his last name. 

Me: Josh, what's Brendon's last name?

He answered instantly.

Jishy: Urine. 


Me: ...you're not serious are you?

Jishy: oh crap. Urie* I hate auto correct. 

Me: it works when you don't need it and doesn't work when you do need it.

Jishy: I know!

Me: I could sit here and talk to you about auto correct all day but I have some detective work to do.

Jishy: ok sherlock holmes. 

Me: don't get sassy, that's my job.

Jishy: I can be sassy too.

Me: let me work.

Jishy: ok detective Joseph, text me later.

Me: will do.

I shut off my phone and typed Brendon's first and last name into each search bar. The first one to pop up was on instagram. I clicked on the first profile and I did a double take. This couldn't be him, Josh said he was nerdy. This guy could pass as a model. I looked through his posts, most of which were selfies. He had black, kind of floppy, but attractive hair, brown eyes, and no glasses. Oh but this had to be him, I was going by his forehead. 

I immediately direct messaged him.

Me: Hi, I know an old friend of yours who would like to see you again sometime soon. please message me back when you can :)

I feel like the smiley face is to much...oh well. Now I wait. 

4 hours later

My phone binged letting me know someone had texted me. I quickly grabbed it from the other side of the couch and paused the movie I was watching on TV. I turned on my phone and did a little happy dance in my head when I saw Brendon had finally answered me. 

Brendonurie: Hi? who is this?

Me: My name is Tyler, I'm friends with one of your old friends.

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