~I want my mom back~

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-Josh's POV-

I eventually had to leave Tyler's since I left my phone at home and couldn't call my parents or Ashley if I wanted to stay. Knowing my parents they would probably send out a search party to look for me.

I told Ashley about how everything went with Tyler from all of the kisses to when he told me his story. Of course, I didn't tell her his story, I was respecting him knowing he didn't want anyone to know about that and I was lucky he told me. Ashley was happy for me but she was tired so she went to bed, leaving me in my room by myself. I decided to text Tyler to tell him goodnight.

Me: Good night, Tyler. <3

Tyler the taco: goodnight, Jishwa. ~(^з^)-♡

Me: A heart wasn't good enough?

Tyler the taco: nope.

Me: whatever. I can't do all of that fancy stuff.

Tyler the taco: I know, I'm special. (☆^ー^☆)

Me: go to bed.

Tyler the taco: I can't until you stop texting me.

Me: but I don't want to :(

Tyler the taco: I don't want you to.

I was suppose to only be telling him goodnight but we ended up texting until we fell asleep. We didn't fall asleep.

I woke up the next day around twelve to the smell of food from downstairs. I perked up and got out of bed, walking downstairs to the kitchen.

My mom was at the stove and I tried to turn to go back upstairs without making any noise, not wanting to talk to her. She turned around to grab some butter off of the island and I mentally groaned when she saw me.

"Oh, hey Josh." She smiled at me and I gave a flat one back. "How're you?"

"Why are you suddenly acting like we're close and stuff?" I sighed knowing she was putting up an act.

"You know we would be close if it wasn't for you always shutting me out." She turned back to the stove and roughly flipped a pancake.

"Its not my fault you constantly judge and insult me every time I try to actually talk to you."

"Well its not my fault that my son is a gay delinquent! How do you think I feel when everyone has children who are in a normal relationship and I have to tell them my son has a boyfriend?"

This is exactly why I hated her. She couldn't except me for who I was. "You're my mom. You're suppose to care about my choice, or at least act like you care! And what are you even talking about? I don't have a boyfriend and I'm not a delinquent."

"Oh really?" my mom spun around to face me, "then why did we move here, huh? And your father told me all about that boy, Tyler." She said his name with so mich disgust, it made my blood boil.

"Don't say his name like that. You don't know him, he's really nice and so is his mom. She actually supports him and his choices, unlike you."

"Why would someone want a gay son?! That's so embarrassing, 'oh my son is dating a guy, no biggie."

"No. You know what's embarrassing? Not having a mom who loves you, who supports you, who cares about you. I had one, I don't know where she went. All I know is that I want my mom back and I know she isn't you...not anymore."

A ran up the stairs, changing into a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt and my vans before going to Ashley's room.

I walked in and found her sitting on the bed. Her head snapped up to me and I smiled but she didn't smile back at me.

"I heard you guys downstairs." Ashley frowned at me.

"Come with me." I ignored her comment, pulling her off the bed. She had on a pair of gym shorts and one of those crop top sweatshirt things but it was warm outside so she really didn't have to change.

"Where are we going?" Ashley asked as I threw her a pair of her flip flops by her door.

"I don't know, but I'm not staying here. I can't right now."

"Why do I need to come with you?"

"Can you just come on?"

"Okay, okay. I'm coming." She slipped on the flip flops, grabbed her phone and key and followed me out of her room. We went out the back door so we wouldn't have to go past her.

I walked down the road with Ashley silently following me. I needed to blow off some steam but I didn't really want to be around anyone. I decided I would go to the park and sit in the little grassy part that nobody ever goes to.

I sat down and Ashley sat beside me. We sat there and I eventually calmed down after closing my eyes and leaning against a tree. I felt Ashley's eyes on me the whole time, I was thankful she was here.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Ashley quietly asked me when I opened my eyes.

I sighed, getting madder just thinking about her. "She used to love me, I don't understand."

"I think she still loves you Josh. It's just hard for her to except you. Sure she's being unreasonable with but you're her only son."

"That's not an excuse." I mean it was but she was just being unreasonable now.

Ashley's eyes looked somewhere in a distance of the park and I followed her gaze. My eyes landed on some guy who looked to be around her age. "Think about it, I'll...I'll be right back."

"You're leaving me to talk to some guy? Really?"

"That's not just some guy, it's-"

"I don't care, just go."

Ashley kissed my forehead before standing up "I love you. We'll figure this all out soon." She then ran up to the guy and I cringed a little when she fake yawned making her shirt rise up to the middle of her stomach.

"Ashley!" I yelled at her.

She just turned to me and shrugged then the guy saw her and they started talking.

I closed my eyes again and sat there under the tree when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Fancy seeing you here."


this Chapter is short :/ but I'll update probably later today or tomorrow morning or something.

I kinda left it on a cliffhanger, I don't consider that a big cliffhanger though so you'll be fine.



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