chapter 1

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~~Abby's POV~~

January 2013

I'm Abby short for Abigal and i have lived next to the Griers my whole life. My twin brother Alex is friends with Hayes Grier, and my older sister Ashley has beem dating Nash Grier for two years. I live in North Carolina with my mom, brither, and sister and our dad walked out on us 1 month ago.


I was home alone watching tv when my dad walks in the house very loud. He nocks over a vase and comes stumbeling in. I start to get worried because I have only seen him like this once. He walks over to me and slaps me on the face. I fall off he couch from the impact in pain. He kicks me agin in the side and I yelp in pain. He looks at me with sorrow and walks out of the house. Hayes and I have always been very close, he was like my bestfirend, and he is the only person i could think of right now. I run next door an start bamging on the door. Hayes opens the door and I collapse in his arms. He pulls back a little confused, but sees the pain and fear in my eyes and pulls me closer.

~~~end of flshback~~~

I still have a bruise on my side, but my face is better. I am watching tv by myself when Alex walks in. He sits next to me and takes some of my popcorn. Ever since the accident we havent been as close as we were. He looked up to my dad and once he left he shut me out. It was like he thought it was my fault he left. He turns to me with a meaningful look and starts talking. "I know it isnt your fault dad left." he says and thats all he says. We hug for what seems like forever and i know I have my brother back.


I'm outside in my backyard on the swings listening to music. I hear footsteps and Hayes walks over to me. He smiles and sits on the swing next to me. like I said we have always been very close. He just stares at me and i start to get butterflys. Wait what am I saying, I cant have feelings for Hyes Grier. He is the football teams star and Mr.popular. I was popular too, but not like the bratty cheerleaders.

"Want to go inside and watch some movies?" He asks. Me and Hayes always watch movies so it isnt that special. I nod my head and we walk inside. As we walk in all of Nashes magcon firends are over. I go over and say hi and hug them all. Yes I am good friends with the magcon people. Before we go in the bastment Hayes goes to get popcorn.

"Hey Abby, you and Hayes have been hanging out alot lately..." Taylor says wiggling his eyebrows at me."shut up Taylor," I say laughing."we are just really good riends. "Well he never stops talking about you when you leave now." Cameron says with a grin. What are they talking about, Hayes could not have a crush on me. As he walks back in he tells everybody we are gonna watch a movie and he grabs my waist. Taylor and Csmeron wiggle their eyebrows and I get butterflys as we walk away. Hayes never puts his arm on my waist. He never touches me other then hugging me and giving me piggy back rides. Does Hayes have feelings for me? Do i Have feelings for Hayes?

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