Chapter 8

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~~Abby'S POV~~

(right after school)

Today was honestly a terrible day. All school days suck, but this one really brought me down. When I got into school no one laughed or stared because Alex was with me. No one dares mess with me when Alex is around.. No one. As soon as he left it all started. Hayes poured water on me, Miranda tripped me, and during lunch when I was in the bathroom Miranda and her"posey" called me fat, ugly, a pice of shit, and told me if I fell of the center of the earth no one would care. The worst thing though is when Hayes lured water on me I think he saw my cuts. Oh crap.


When I got home I went up in my room and cried. I opened my draw and got my razor.


(after can left hayes house)

I was in my room with a towel on my wrist when the doorbell rang.

~~Alex's POV~~

I was downstairs with my friends when the doorbell rang. I went to get it because Abby was in her room crying and wouldn't talk to anyone. I'm sad to say it but I am used to Abby always crying. I still try to stop her, but she always crys and I don't blame her.

I open to the door and I see Cameron. "Hey dude!" I haven't seen Cameron in so long and it was good to see him. I gave him hug, but he had a worried look in his eyes. "Hey dude I've missed you. Umm is your sister home?" He randomly asked. "Yeah, but shes in her room crying, why." I ask hoping he isn't into her. "I have to talk to her. Can I please so go up?" He practically begged. So I moved aside so he can go up.

~~Cameron's POV~~

I rushed upstairs and banged on her door. "Go away I'm busy." She stuttered. Oh crap. "Ots Cameron, let me in Abby." I said sternly. She told me to come in and I walked in and sat next to her. "Show me your wrists." I demanded in a calm voice. She hesitantly took off the towel and showed me her bloody wrists. She had tears in her eyes and looked at me sadly. She leaned into my chest and cried. She movd her wrsists so she didn't get anything in my but I just pulled her closer, telling her it was fine. She cried for like a half hour and finally seemed to calm down. She sat up and looked at me. I whipped the tears from her face and kissed her forehead. "Other than today when was the last time?" I asked kindly. "Yesterday night? Miranda was dming me stuff on my twitter and it just got to me." she said quietly." Abby was like a little sister to me. She was 15 and I am 18 so she looks up to me. "When Hayes pured water on you-" she cut me off. "He saw, I know. His eyes got big and his face was read. I just pulled my sleeves down and walked away." she said sadly. "He told me and Nash and they could tell I already knew. Hayes was mad I didn't tell him and I freaked out on Him. The. I went outside amd Nash came out. I told him Hayes should feel sorry amd all that stuff and he told me to leave." I laughed. "She looked at me and her phone went off. She read the text and her eyes swelled up again. It was a picture of her face flat in the hall way with people laughing. It was on instagram and the commented said "Too fat to stand on her own two feet😂😂😂" she fell onto me again bowling,her eyes out. She fell asleep and I put her under her covers. I walked to the basement to talk to Alex.

He was talking to his friends and playing Xbox. "Hey Alex, I need to talk to you." he gave me a worried look and walked over to me. "Cameron whats up. You show up at my house, not that I care, demand that you see Abby and your up there for 2 hours, then come down here to talk to me. You aren't into her are you?" he asked. I laughed and his face relaxed. "No but it is about Abby. 5 months ago I found her outside crying. She had cuts on her wrist." his face dropped. "School has gotten worse and she hasn't stopped. When she's alone the bullying goes crazy and we she try's to feel safe at home, the bully starts up on social networks. Hayes is the main reason and he found out today. Abby us asleep upstairs, but you need to talk to her." He has tears in his eyes and I pull him in for a hug. "My sister.. She cuts?" he says softly. I nod my head. "Cam she F$&@€%# cuts!" He says loudly and his friends hear. Their eyes get wide and they look like they are gonna cry. Abby should of dated one of them. "You guys should leave." They nod already packed up. "But please don't say anything to anyone." he begs. "Dude we wouldn't think of it. We love Abby." And they head upstairs. We head upstairs and he goes to nock on Abby's door. First he is hesitant, then he walks in. I sit on the couch and wait. While I'm waiting I get a text from Nash "We need to talk." I reply okay and head to his house.

~~Alex's POV~~

I walk in to Abby's room and her eyes flutter open. She sees the tears in my eyes and sits up. I sit next to her and look down at her wrists. they are cut and bruised and bloody. She leans her head in my lap and cries. "Abby you are everything to me and I love you no matter what. Don't hurt yourself b/c other people are jealous of you. You are beautiful, perfect, and the best sister ever. You think nobody loves you but your wrong. Cam came over here b/c he loves you. When he told me about you Anthony, Mark, and Zach heard him." "They won't tell?" She asked. "No, when they heard, they looked like they were gonna cry. Abby people love you and you do not deserve all of this, but you need to deal with it. Those people are just jealous that you once dated Hayes, and your friends with the magcon boys, and how beautiful you are. They are only jealous. You deserve so much more." She looked up at me and hugged me so hard. "I love you so much Alex." She whispered.

~~Abby's POV~~

Everything Alex told me made me feel so much better. After we talked I took a shower then he came into my bathroom. He have me my razors and ha me flush them down the toilet. When they were gone I felt a relief list of my shoulders. Since it was a Friday Alex went to take a nap. The doorbell rang so I went to get it. It was probably Cameron b/c he left saying he's be back soon. I opened the door about to hug Cameron, but Hayes looked back at me.


"Hey!" He smiled. I scowled at him. "What do you want?" I said rudely. "We need to talk Abby." He said. He looked so cute with his brown long hair blowing in the wind. What am I saying? I hate Hayes Grier. ""5 minutes, that's it." "Deal." We walked inside and sat on my couch. He sat really close so I moved like 3 feet away, and he moved 2 feet closer. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked already knowing the answer to my question. "I saw you wrists. Please tell me I am not the reason." Oh my god. "Is that all you care about? If you are the reason I self harm. Not if I am okay or if I got hurt being tripped twice today or sorry for pouring water on you?" He stared then said. "I asked if I am the reason you cut?" He asked rudely. What a dick. "Yes you are the reason, now get out or I will call Alex." He just sat there. Then he reached out and took my wrists. I didn't pull away. He looked at them then he got tears in his eyes.

"You know even though we broke up, I still care about you." "Now see that's the terrible thing. We never did break up. You started that nasty rumor and stopped talking to me." He looked me straight in the eyes. "I still care about you Abby, and it kills me to see you doing this to yourself." "Then why did you ruin my life Hayes?! Make up that rumor. Bully me. Why did you do all that stuff to me Hayes, what did I ever do to you? Why?" I said quietly with tears streaming down my face. He looked at me with teary eyes. "Abby." He tried to take my hand, but I didn't let him. "I don't know. It was my friends. They were all making fun of me for never hooking up with someone, and I thought you were into me like that." He said sadly. "Hayes I was in to you like that, I just wasn't ready." His face dropped when I said was. Then he got a text saying he had to have dinner so he got up to leave. We got to the door and right as I was about to shut it he said the unthinkable.

"Abby Turner, I never stopped loving you."

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