chapter 14

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Hey guys so Hayes is at Mirandas!!! Ahhhh. Before you read go follow me instagram. @magconboyes. Like now. Okay enjoy.


I walked over to Mirandas house to talk to her. "Hey babe." She says leaning in to kiss me. I push her away. "Miranda, i'm sorry, but I don'tt like you that way anymore." I say kinda fast. "Yes you do silly, we made out the other day and I think you liked it."She says in her dumb girly way. "No, Miranda, I like Abby not you. please stay away from me and Abby." I practically beg. "You know what Hayes, I am going to let you make a dumb decision and when you want me back I will be waiting." and she walks me to her door. "Bye Hayes I will be waiting for you to come cralling back." and she shuts the door. --------------------------- I walk home and nock on Abby's door. Anthony opens it. "What do you want?" He asks angrly. "Is abby home, I need to talk to her." i say back. "Well she wanted to talk to you to, but you were with Miranda." He snaps back. "God dam it!" I scream.


I am laying in my room crying when I hear voices outside. I walk to my window and open it. Its Hayes and Anthony.

A. She wanted to talk to you too, but you were with Miranda. H. God dam it. No Anthony. I went to tell her I liked Abby not her. I sware. I didn't kiss her again and I told her to stay away. A. You did? H. Yes I did. Anthony please let your guard down I am sorry and i wont hurt her again. I promise. A. Its Alex your gonna want to tak too. Not me. H. Will you get him for me? Please. A. alright fine. we really beat you, up didn't we? H. Yeah you did, and my whole stomach is bruised. A. sorry about that... we were pissed. I will go get Alex.

And there was silence.

A.(alex now) What do you want. H. Alex i was just at Miranda's. A. Did you make out with her again. Cuz Abby s in her room crying... H. No. I told her to stay away and that I liked Abby. A. Oh you did? H. Yeah I did. A. Well too bad, cuz you cant have her. H. Come on dude. You have punished me enough. I learned my lesson. My eye is swollen and my ribs are bruised. Plase dude. I really like her! A. Hayes you promised you wouln't hurt her. I hate seeing her like this. She is so depressed. She seemed happy with just Mark and Anthony. I cant have you ruin that. H. Alex I promise I wont. I sware. I do not want her to self harm and I want her to feel loved and worth something. Because she is.

I had tears in my eyes b/c of the way Hayes was talking and the boys were sticking up for me.

H. Please Alex. Trust me bro. I think I love her. (Oh Alex please say yes) H. You really want her? H. Alex I really do. A. Shes upstairs, dont rush into anything olease. Wait a littte while before you ask her out. But I sware If you make her shed a tear b/c of something you could have prevented. Me, Mark, and Anthony will beat you up worse then this time. H. Thanks dude. And its cool if I hangout with you gusy now? Im over my old friends. A. sure justs go talk to Abby. H. Thanks

I hear footsteps and I slam my window shut as I hear laughing at the door. "Abby, can i come in?" He asks laughing. "Yeah, whats so funny." I ask. "You were eavsedropping again." I smile and hug him. "Dont hurt me again like that okay?" I ask with my head in his shoulder. " I wouldnt dream of it." He says as he crashes his lips onto mine. I missed him. Anthony was right. I do still love Hayes.

Once Hayes left Mark walked in and layed next to me. I was watching MaMa. "This movie sucks Abby. Im dissapointed." He says I laugh. "Mark?" "Yeah?" He responds. "Do you really like me?" HIs face gets red and he turns to me. "I did this mrning." He syas and we laugh. "Anthony told me you still liked Hayes and I respected that. Even though he can be a douche bag, I know he makes you happy and thats all i want." He says hugging me. I blush and look up at him. "Thanks, and if this movie sucks, then choose another one. A scary one." I say to him. "He picks out Nightmare on Elm Street, and I lay my head on his shoulder. Alex and Anthony walk in and jump on the bed. Anthoyn sits next to me and puts hus arm over me to comfort me. Alex lays infront of me laying his head on my legs. I love these guys more then anything.

Okay so its short, but im really tired. So don't call Abby a slut guys. WHen they kiss her on the head and stuff, its like a brotherly gesture. When she leans on them or they put their arm over her its a brotherly or sisterly gesture, thats all. SHe like Hayse not Anthony or Mark. Just had to clear that up. Follow my instagram @Magconboyess. Read my new fanfiction Umm. They're My Brothers...(Hayes Grier). Goodnight guys love you all.


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