Chapter 23

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Hey guys, so I updated like Saturday night and I realized it was glitching so I hope I fixed it. Hope you enjou.

2 weeks later.

Abby's POV 

The last two weeks have been really hard. When my mom was home we were really close. It's so hard to think of life without her. I have been going straight to school and straight home everyday. Then I would lock myself in my room ad usually cry and do my homework. Hayes and Alex would come up usually and we'd talk but nothing exciting. Ashley and Nash would try to help me come downstairs, but I refuse. Walking has gotten harder and harder because since I don't do anything I don't stretch my hip so it gets stiff an hurts. I have the crouches for 4 more weeks but I might have to stay on longer. I'm still green and now I'm green with a tear stained face. 
I'm sitting in my room listening to music when someone nocks on my door. "come in." I yell hoarsely. Alex walks in with bloodshot eyes. "Hi." I say. He went to go see mom today. I heard she hasn't been doing so well. He waves. "Did you see mom today?" I ask. He nods. "Was it hard?" I ask. He nods sill standing by more door. But he shut it. "Are you sad?" I ask again. He nods again. "Are you gonna cry?" I ask looking at him. He nods running towards me and falling onto my shoulder. I hold him as he cries in my arms. I rub his back and let him get all his tears out. He hasn't really had time to cry because he's been trying to take care of me and be the man of the house. I hold him like a mother would. I'm laying on my bed sitting up and he's lying next to me. He has his head in my chest and his arms wrapped around me and I have my arms on his back. After a good half hour of him crying he pulls away and wipes his eyes. "Abby. She looks so bad. She was bald and super skinny. She barely remembers me. She thought my name was Alan and Barely remembered I was her son. She would be nice one second then she would tell at me for talking to loud. She'd say Alan talk louder I can't here you. Then I would speak a little louder and she'd say Alan your so loud what's your problem!? I can't take it!" He yells. I run his back. "Sh. Alex I know it's hard. That's what is gonna happen ad she's just gonna get worse so we need to stay strong." I whisper holding him tight again. I'm doing my best not to cry and try to be a good sister. We Lie down and we fall asleep together. We're waken up to a phone ringing early in the morning. I look at the clock and it's 3 AM. Alex wakes up and looks at me. We both know who's calling. We hear Ashley pick up the phone and them there's a loud thud. At that moment I knew. My mom has died. The tears pour out of my eyes as I cling to Alex. He holds me tightly acting as the older brother. I can feel him slightly shaking and I know he is crying too. Once I pull away we stand up to go find Ashley. We find her in her room Lying on the floor curled up in a ball clutching the picture of her and our mom. We walk in and she looks at us. Our faces stained with tears. She puts the picture down and opens her arms. We both lye down next to her and let her pull us close. We lay there Ashley on the end then me smushed in the middle then Alex. Crying at the thought at our mom is dead. And at that moment we realize we are all we have left. We lay here until our alarms for school go off. We ignore them and stay on the floor clutching each other with all we got. By 10 o'clock Alex and Ashley fall asleep but I'm still awake. I crawl out of their grasp and walk into my moms room. I ignore the searing pain in my hip and walk into her closet. I find her old t-shirt she wore to bed every night and clutch it tightly. I sit down under all her clothes and just breath in the scent of my mom. Cotton mixed with her Happy perfume. I curl up in a ball with my hands turning white at how hard in clutching the shirt. I eventually fall asleep. I wake up and I feel all stiff and groggy. I sit up confused for a second not knowing where I am. Then it hits me. My mom died this morning. I have a dead mom and a dad that doesn't love me. I try to stand up but sit back down because of the pain that shoots through my side. I rub it then stand back up. I walk back into my room and sit on my bed. 5:30. I pick up my phone and I have 15 missed calls and 45 messages. I look at the calls first. 1 from Mark. 3 from Anthony. 3 from Nash. 5 from Hayes. 3 from Mrs. Grier. I look at my messages most are from Hayes and Madison. I go through Madison's first.

13 from Madison. 
Hey where were you today?
Are you okay? 
Is your mom alright?
Then 10 more of her just texting my name in caps. 
21 from Hayes. 
Abby where are you?
Why aren't you at school?
Abby call me right now?
Are you okay? 
Is mama okay?
Abby I just got home. 
I am so sorry. 
I love you so much. 
Call me as soon as you can. 
Abby everything will be okay. 
How's Alex?
Ashley won't pick up the phone either. 
Abby my mom is worried no one will answer the door. 
We love you please open up. 
Abby I know your hurting. 
I wanna help. 
Please call me back. 
I love you. 
5 are from Nash. 
Abby please pick up your phone. 
Come to the door. 
Abby we love you please get up. 
I know your sad but you need to call me. 
We're really worried. 
5 are from mrs Grier. 
Sweetie are you okay?
Please call us back. We're worried. 
Honey please open the door. 
We love you. 
Please call me honey. I love you. 
After I read them all I lay down. I pick up my phone and go through my messages. I look at the last text from Hayes. 5:25. The last text from Nash 5:00. The last text from mrs. Grier. 5 minutes ago. I call Mrs. Grier first.

E=mrs Grier. A=Abby.

E. Abby honey thank god you called no one was picking up. Are you okay. 
A. We all fell asleep together in Ashley's room. Umm I'm not that good. (Chokes out)
E. I know sweetie I know. I want you three to come over. Okay? 
A. I don't k-
E. Honey your mom told me to watch over you three. I don't want you to grieve alone. Don't bother getting dressed or anything. Come now. Where all upset too. Okay Abby?
A. Fine. I'll go find Ashely as Alex. 
E. Thank you honey. Abby?
A. Yeah. 
E. Remember I love you an your like my other daughter. 
I smile. 
A. Thank you Elizabeth. 
E. No problem. Get your butts over here. 
A. Okay bye.

After I Hang up I put my phone down and go to Alex's room. I find him lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. "Hey." I say quietly. He looks at me and gives me a weak smile. "We're going to the Grier's come on." I say. He nods and gets up. We walk to Ashley's room and we find her on the floor with blood on her fist. There's glass on the floor. "Ashley." I say quietly. She looks at me with sorrow and pain. She smashed the picture that mom gave her. It says "forever and always." We pick her up and we walk out the front door. We nock on the Grier's door and mrs. Grier opens it. "Oh my gosh. Honey." She says taking Ashely. Ashley breaks down as they walk to the bathroom. Nash and Hayes poke their heads from the basement when they see us. They're eyes are bloodshot too. When they see us they run over and tackle us in a hug. We stand there and cry onto each other. That's what best friends are for right?

Hey guys. Super long chapter. I hope you like it I'm crying sitting here typing it. I hope you all enjoy. Comment if it made you tear up to. Vote and read my other story. Umm there my brothers. Did Nash follow anyone on twitter? I tweeted over 90 times and nothing. I'm very upset. Love you all and goodnight.


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