Chapter 26

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Next day

Abby's POV.

I wake up and look at Hayes. We fell asleep together cuz I was pretty upset. I wiggle out of his arms and walk to the bathroom. I tie my hair up and notice my scars. No one other then the guys and Griers and Alex and Ashely no about it. Like Ashton and them don't. They look really noticeable and I start to freak out.
What if people see them?
What if I can't hide them well enough?
What if I'm not good enough?

Then all the remarks and name calling come back to Mind.

Ugly, fat, loser, slut.
I can't believe Hayes dated her.
You don't deserve Hayes.
Your just on crouches for attention.
I'm glad your mom died (I've been getting a lot if twitter hate recently)

I can't take it. The tears start flowing down my cheeks. My mom is dead. My dad hates me. Everyone from school hates me. No one loves me. I lean over the sink and cry. I suddenly feel arms grip my shoulders and pull me up. Hayes. "Shhh. Baby stop crying. It's all going to be alright." He says pulling me in for a hug. He grips me tight and I stand there and cry. "No it won't Hayes. No one loves me I'm such a screwup. My moms dead my dad Hates me. I'm fat and ugly. I just don't deserve this life." I cry. He pulls away and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Abby Turner don't talk like that. Your beautiful, sweet, kind, and loved by so many people. Your mom died. I know. But you have me and Nash and Alex and Ashley here for you. We all love you baby. You need To realize you were meant for this world. You are like a flame that can never sizzle out. No matter how hard you try. Abby Turner. Your perfect and I love you for that."
I look up at him and smile a little. "I love you too." I whisper. "Abby I will help you through this okay?" he says hugging me again. "You promise?" I his whisper into his chest. "I promise." He says. He pulls away and looks at my face and smiles. His eyes dart from my lips to my eyes then he leans in. He crashes his lips onto mine and I kiss back immediately. He puts his arms around my waist and touches my butt slightly. I shake at the touch but don't pull away. He leans his head to deepen the kiss. I feel his tongue on my bottom lip then he slips it in my mouth. I play with the hair on his neck and he bites my lip. I shudder and he flips us over so I'm pushed up against the wall. He leans onto me so our whole bodies are touching. His hand covers my whole butt now and the other is on my waist. He squeezes my butt lightly and I jump and wrap y legs around him. "I love you Abby." He mumbles as he kisses me. "I love you too." I say back. He has one hand slightly under my shirt when the door opens. "Hayes can I borrow some- whoa. Let go of my sister. Now." He says. Hayes puts me down gently and I fix my hair and shirt. "What were you doing?" he asks kinda mad. We shrug. "Kissing." Hayes says shyly. Like I said before Alex I very over protective. "You were like having sex with clothes on." He says. I look at him with wide eyed. "Alex. We were kissing. Nothing more nothing less." I say trying to reassure him. "His hand was on your butt, he was holding you." He says. We shrug. "Alex. I've walked in on you with your fair amount of girls so I would stop." I sat kinda angrily. "I have to get ready." I mumble and walk out.

Hayes POV.

Kissing Abby was the only thing I was thinking about. When she let me put n hand on her butt I was a lite surprised. Then when she was straddling me. God she's perfect. I have to make her mine very soon.
After she leaves Alex looks pissed. "What is your problem?" he nearly shouts. "Whoa Alex calm down. We were only making out. You know we kiss." I say trying not to get punched. "You were touching her butt." He says. "She has a nice butt too." I mumble. "God dam it Hayes." He says. I laugh. "Alex I promise I won't hurt her you need to trust me. I promise. I love her and I won't hurt her." I say. He relaxes a little.

Skip to the funeral.

Me Ashley Alex Ashton and Daniel walk down the isle with one hand on the casket and tears dripping down our faces. Once we got to the front the 5 of us sat in the first pew with our aunts. I sat next to Daniele and cried into his shoulder. My day gets worse and worse. After the funeral we go to the cemetery to say goodbye to my mom. I have to say some words. I while my face and walk to the front of the hole. I take a breath and begin.

"Janet Terez Turner was a sister, an aunt, a wife, best friend, and she was the best mom anyone daughter could ask for. When I was upset because if a friend or a bully she would feed me cookie dough and watch the twilight saga. She new how to make me geophysical when I was upset. Even though she won't physically be here with us she will never leave our hearts. Thank you."

Once I stepped down I walked back to my family. Once the casket was out in the ground we drove to the repass. Anthony Mark Alex Ashley Nash Madison Ashton and I all sat at one table. We were all talking when Alex got up to pee. "How you holding up?" Hayes whispers in my ear. His hot breath on my neck. I shiver. "Fine I guess." I sigh. He kisses my cheek and puts a hand on my thigh. "Umm. Can you save that for the bedroom?" Daniel asks. I shoot him a look. "You may wanna be talking your brother not me." I say looking at Ashton. He had his arm over Madison's chair and was kissing her bare shoulder. I laugh and say I have to use the bathroom. I get up and walk over to the bathroom and look at the mirror. All of a sudden I hear giggling coming from a stall behind me. I walk over and look at the feet. They're Alex's shoes. And a girls heals. I knock on the door. "Busy." A girls voice giggles. I knock again. "Find another stall. We're busy." I hear Alex's voice say. I think for a second then I realize. The girls voice was Miranda's. The crazy bitch that pushed me in the lunch room. The one who bullied me for a year. The one who would slap and hurt me for fun. My brother was hooking up with the girl that ruined my life. I feel tears coming out of my eyes. I knock again. "Alex. When your done getting herpes your wanted back at the table." I choke out. I hear the door un click and Alex walk out. "Abby." He says with tears threatening to come out of his eyes. "Save it." I say hobbling out of the bathroom. I ditched the crouches and not I have a weird brace on my hip. I run as fast as I can in heals and a brace outside and I collapse on the fancy deck thingy. I hear the door open and turn to see Alex. I quickly turn my head. "Abby look at me." He says. I shake me head. He walks over and sits by me. "You shouldn't be mad. You did the same thing to me." He says coldly. I widen my eyes and look at him. "With Hayes?" I ask. He nods. "How the hell is that the same Alex." I yell. He looks at me coldly. "He ditched me. Ditched you Abby. Treated you terribly. And you dated him again." He says. I almost laugh. "He apologized Alex. He also made my life go from hell to heaven in 2 weeks. Miranda didn't. She verbally and physically bullied me. Yeah your sister. Me. Then she thought I made up being beaten by dad for attention and lastly said mom deserved to die. If you think that's the same thing Hayes did then go ahead and fuck her cuz I could give a shit now." I say tears streaming down my face. I never fought with him like this. I stand up and run to the bathroom. I open the door to see Miranda. "Hey Abby. We have to have a little talk." she says coming close to me. She pulls her hand back and strikes my face. I wince in pain hoping she's done. But that was only the beginning of it all.

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