Chapter 36

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Nash's POV.

I don't know what to do. It's been a week and I'm going crazy without her. I lost her and I can't do anything about it. "Nash." Hayes says walking into my room. I'm crawled up in a blanket on my bed. "Dude. You got to get up. You have to talk to her." He says sitting next to me. I shake my head and rub my tear stained face. "Nash. As much as I love you. You screwed up big time. And if you want her back you need to fight for her. She's not gonna come back after a week. You slept with another girl. You need to prove to her that you love her." He says. I feel new tears form in my eyes. Call me a pussy but I lost the girl I love. I am aloud to cry. "Dude. She doesn't want me back. I screwed up. And I lost her." I say. He sighs. "When you realize that you can fix this let me know." He says walking out of my room. I have to fix this. I stand up and put a clean shirt on and walk out the door towards Ashley's house.

Once I reach the door my hand hovers over the door bell. If I go back now it's all over. I have to do this. I click the door bell and wait. I hear footsteps and Alex opens it. He looks at me. "Alex," I say. "Can I please talk to her?" I beg. "Nash. She doesn't want to talk to you. You cheated on her." He says. "Alex. Please. I need her. I love her too much too for get about her. Please can I talk to her." I ask. He shakes his head. "I think you should leave Nash. Wait a few days. Give her some time to think." He says. I shake my head. "Alex. I need her." I say. He smiles sadly. "I know." and he shuts the door. I'm not done trying. I run to the side of her house and find the tree I used to use to climb to her window when we were in the 6th grade. I jump on the lowest branch and start to climb up. Once I get to her window I know a bunch if time. I hear feet shuffling and I see her in her long Tshirt, my Tshirt, and tear stained face open the window. she starts to tear up again. "Ashley. Please talk to me." I beg. She shakes her head. Tears streaming down her face. "Please. Just let me tell you what happened. Okay?" I ask. She reluctantly nods and walks over to her bed. I walk over and sit next to her. I reach over to take her hand but she flinches away. "Ashley. Jacky is Taylor's sister. She doesn't have a brother. I promised to show her around a few weeks ago and Will wouldn't let me cancel. I didn't tell you bc u didn't want you to worry cuz nothing was gonna happen. I took her out on Friday and we had fun. Then the next day we went to the movies and she started flirting with me. She started kissing me in the theater and I pushed her off saying someone can see. Nothing was going on. When I took her home that night she took me inside ad that's when I called you. After you hung up it happened. I regretted it as soon as it happened and I freaked out on her. I messed up Ash. I want you, I need you back." I say tearing up. She leans forwards and hugs me. I hold her tight as she cries. After a whole I pull away. "Ashely. I love you. Please come back to me." I beg. She smiles sadly. "I love you too Nash. But i'm not ready to date you again. I need to be able to trust you. Cam and I can't trust you yet. I'm sorry." she says standing up. I stand up too. "I'm sorry." I say. She leans forward and kisses me right on the corner of my mouth. "I'm sorry too." She says walking me too the window. I climb out regretting letting her go.

Okay. Really short. I couldn't add anything to that but a new update soon. I promise. Love you all.


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