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6 months later.

I hate college math. I hate it. It makes no sense what so ever, and it is hard as fuck. I'm finishing up my first semester at college and other then math I'm doing pretty well. Me and Hayes are still dating and before either of us knew it, we were applying to the same collage. Ryan and Riely go to the same collage also. I don't know how it happened but I'm spending my collage years with my best friends. Excluding Anthony Mark and Dani. Speaking of Dani. A week after Dani told me about her cancer she went into chemo for a month. They found the cancer and were able to kill it before it got to bad. She was in cancer free for 3 almost 3 years. But then it happened. 4 months ago on October 14, Dani's lung cancer came back. And it came back full force at stage 4. She is currently in chemo therapy doing the best she can which is being hooked up to a breathing machine and lying in bed at the hospital. Not good. It's so hard to see her so weak and her body so frail. When I go to visit her I feel like one touch, and she'll crumble right under me. I need her to be better. She has to be.

Nash and Ashely are 20 years old now and are currently living together in North Carolina. Nash perused in an acting career with Cameron and now have they're own show and he was in 1 movie. Nash and Ashely got back together a year after their breakup and Nash sure did some waiting. It took a full year for him to gain her trust back but he knows she's worth it. Nashly is back together and stronger then ever.

As with me and Hayes well, not to brag but, we are perfect. Haha. We've been dating for 3 years and 6 months. Sure we've had small 1 week break ups but nothing major. Ever since the day Hayes promised never to hurt me like he did again when we were 14 my love for him hasn't faltered. Hayes is my anchor, he's the person I can go to and know I will always be wanted and loved. That's why I love him.

Ryan and Alex had a steady relationship from age 15 to age 17, 4 months before he left. At the time she didn't know he was leaving for 6 months but I know that the break is not for good. Even after Alex broke it off I knew his love for her never stopped. Hopefully when he comes back they can get back to where they left off.

"Professor Ratliff, can we have you at the front office?" The speaker says breaking me out if my thoughts. Professor Ratliff nods and leaves. I sigh a breath of relief. A break from math.

It's been 6 months since Alex left and he should've been home yesterday. I'm starting to get worried like any normal person would. I haven't gotten a letter from him since last Monday and now it's friday. Please say he is okay, I couldn't live without him. I turn to Hayes who is behind me. "Hayes, I'm worried." I say for the hundredth time. He just shakes his head like he knows something that I don't. "Don't he baby. I promise he is okay." He responds. I furrow my eyebrows. How could he know that for sure! "And how do you know that's true Hayes!" I shout. He smiles at me. "Turn around." Confused I turn my head and there, standing next to my professor, is my brother. I feel the tears already fill my eyes as I run down the isle towards him, receiving odd looks from my classmates. I jump into his arms and hold him tight. "God did I miss you Abby." He whispers. I nod not able to speak bc of my tears of happiness and relief. My brother is back.

The end.

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