Chapter 9

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~~Hayes POV~~

I couldn't not saying it. I never stopped loving her. I don't know why I was such a dick to her, I didn't know it bothered her that much. When I found out she cuts my stomach dropped. How could I be so stupid and oblivious. I lost the girl I loved, my 2 best friends, and Nash stopped dating Ashley. He said it wasn't my fault, but I know it was. She just stared at me. Not saying a word.

She was about to shut the door, but I grabbed her arm and swing her around. My hands are on both of her wrists and she is staring at me. I can't help myself. I have to. I crashed my lips onto hers. It took her a second to realize what I did, but then she kissed me back.

~~Abby's POV~~

I'm just staring at Hayes until he grabs my wrists and crashes his lips onto mine. God I missed this. I missed him. I can't be in love with him after what he did. Why do I still want him, more then ever. I couldn't help myself I kissed him back with all I had. His hands on my waist and mine on his neck. Our kiss wasn't sloppy, it was long and passionate. It was the perfect kiss. When his tongue made entrance I shivered, but didn't stop.


We were just making out in the doorway until a hand grabbed me. It was Alex.

"What the hell are you doing!" He yelled. I start to back away waiting to see what happens. He looks at me, but doesn't let Hayes leave.

"Why are you kissing him Abby!? You were just crying and hurting yourself BECAUSE of him and now your making out with him in the doorway?" I just stood there. "And you." He said turning towards Hayes. "You make her life a living hell for 2 years almost and now you forget everything ever happened?! You ruined her Hayes. She used to be so happy and full of life and now when she gets home, she goes upstairs and cries her eyes out. And you know who's there telling her it's okay, I am. Cam is. Ashley is. Not you. Why devote your life to ruining her, breaking her, then act like it never happened? That's not how it works Hayes." He was screaming now. Hayes looked at him looking so guilty. I feel bad, but what Alex is saying is true. I never go out anymore or do anything really. Because of Hayes. He was out of words. He looked like he was gonna cry actually.

"Alex I know what I did was wrong and you don't know how bad I feel about that. When I found out that Abby cut. My stomach dropped and I froze. I never meant to hurt her like that. If I knew I was hurting her to the point she thought no one loved her I would've stopped and I don't know why I started that rumor." He had tears in his eyes now, and I know Alex, he isn't one to hold a grudge. "I miss having my best friends live right next store. My new friends are nothing compared to you two. I should never have left our old friends for them. Never."

"Abby, go upstairs so I can talk to Hayes." "Okay." and I sprinted upstairs to my window to watch. I opened it a crack and started to listen.

~~Hayes POV~~

"Alex if your still mad at me for ditching our group it was a huge mistake. You guys are better friends then my friends now.-" And he cut me off. "You still have feelings for her?" He asked "You have no idea Alex." "Hayes

she isn't like she used to be. I don't know if it your fault or something else, but she isn't just sad and quiet, she is depressed and unsocial and it's like she hates her life. Dude I am really worried." Once those words left his mouth I knew he forgave me and he is hoping that me being with her makes better. "I know Miranda has been saying stuff to her, but I don't think she is the reason she Hates her life." I say. I really have no idea what is bugging her so much. "But if I date her. I will protect her from anyone and anything, and try to make her feel better." "Thanks dude. Are you still ping to hangout with your new friends?" Now I know this part is about our friendship. I just left their group when I started to get really good at football. And now I really miss them. "I don't think so. They are going to give me shot about talking to Abby again and I don't care anymore. They aren't good friends. I miss you guys, my true friends. (Sorry if that seems a little girly.) We bro hug it out and walk inside. "One more thing." He says. Oh shot. "Do not hurt her Hayes, I am serious. She has gone through enough." He says really serious. "I promise."

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