Chapter 10

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~~Abby's POV~~

Me and Alex were walking to school and I was nervous. Was Hayes going to talk to me or ignore me. Im terrified right now. We get into school and we walk to our lockers. Hayes is at his and he smiles at me. Then he goes to his first class. No hello. Don't over react Abby it's just a hello. I said goodbye to Alex and walked to my first period class. When I sat down I heard Miranda talking.
"Yeah so last night Hayes came over saying he missed me." She laughed. "He walked right in and played his lipid on mine. We literally made out for an hour until his brother was looking for him." Then she saw me and stopped talking. She gave me a half hearted smile an I could tell she was serious about Hayes. My heart dropped. The bell rang and I went to my next class. I had I sit next to Ryan, the second most hated person in my life. After Hayes but idk where he stands right now.
"Hey Abby, why so glum?" He asked in a mocking tone. "Sad cuz your so fat and ugly and nobody loves you?" That truly hurt. Then he started poking me with his pencil on each one of my many pimples. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. Hayes sat down behind us and I hope he says something. Then Ryan starts saying really mean stuff to me. Then he sees my cuts... "Aww Abby trying to get attention huh?" He asks loudly and in a mean tone. I turn and Hayes is laughing. I thought he like me.
I get up and run out of class. I run into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall and cry. I clean my eyes and go to the nurse. I tell her I feel sick and she sends me home.
I get in my house and I run upstairs. I open my cabinet and take out my razor. I pull up my pant leg so no one can see and a put 5 slits. Urgh the pane hurts but I deserve it...right? I walk outside and lay down in the back by the woods. I just sit there ad cry watching the blood stain my pants. I'm sitting there crying until someone comes out. Cameron. He sees me and sits next to me. He pulls me into his chest and looks down at my legs. "Abby, why, I thought you quite? Where's Hayes?" He asks. "Who cares he doesn't love me. No one does. I don't belong here I should just leave." I scream. He looks at me and pulls me closer to his chest. "Abby, what did he do?" He asks sympathetically. "He made out with Miranda last night. Then when Ryan was making fun of me and my cuts saying I do it for attention he laughed. He didn't stand up for me. He didn't even say hi to me this morning at out lockers. I should never have fell for him again. I am so stupid. I wish I could just leave this place for good." "Abby Turner! Do not talk like that. You will leave us when you are old on your death bed, not when your 15 hurting. Come on let's get u cleaned up." He took my arm and led me inside.

~~Hayes POV~~

So last night I went to Miranda's. O have no idea why. I told her I missed her and made out with her. Then at school I ignored Abby. And when Ryan made fun of her cuts I laughed. I laughed! How could I do that to her l. She ran out of 2 period and didn't show up for any other classes.
When I was walking home Alex came up to me. "Hayes what did you do?" He asked worriedly. "Bro I screwed up"bAnd with that his face changed and his jaw tightened. "What do u mean 'screwed up'?" He asked clenching his fists. I made out with Miranda last night. Then when Ryan made fun of her and her cuts.. I laughed..." Then I felt an impact hit me. Then again. And it wasn't just Alex. Mark and Anthony were with him too, throwing punch after punch. I cringed each time then I fought back after the fifth punch. I punched Alex in the stomach and kicked Mark in the shin, but Anthony grabbed me and shoved me to the ground. We were on the ground trying to kill each other when we heard screaming voices. Cameron came from Alex's house and Nash came from mine.

M/A=Mark or Anthony.

N. "What the hell are you guys doing out here!?"
A. "He screwed with Abby again! He told her he loved her then made out with Miranda! Then he laughed when Ryan told her she cut for attention!"
M/A. "Yeah he was being a total dick to her!"
N. "Hayes what is your problem!? You get her back then ruin your chances!?"
C. "Hayes you blew it. I found her in the backyard crying. She had blood on her thighs She started again. Se said she didn't want to be here anymore.

'Everyone's face dropped. Hayes, Alex l, Anthony, and Mark were dumbstruck. Alex sprinted to his house with Mark and Anthony following. Hayes tried to go to but Nash grabbed him.'

N. "Where the hell do you think your going!?"
H. "To see if Abby was okay." He said innocently.
C. "Nash I'm sorry I'm yelling at him but, 'Nash nodded his approval' Why do you think you have the right to do that!?"
H. "Mark and Anthony went!"
N. "Hayes! They don't ruin her life constantly like you do! They actually care about her. She's like a sister to them and would do anything for her!"
H. "I would to!"
C. " Then why the hell did you cheat on her then bully her into cutting?!"
H. "I didn't mean-"
C. " You joked about her scars. Obviously you dot care that much!?"

'Cameron stalked back inside.'

N. "Dude you need to look in the mirror."

'And Nash followed Cameron inside."


Hey guys! I hope you like it! Sorry it's a short chapter. I'm kinda having writers block. Thanks for 220 reads!!!! Can we get to 300 by the 12 chapter? I hope you guys are enjoying it. Okay serious talk. If anyone is depressed or self harms. Please know that there is someone who cares about you and you don't deserve what your going through.
I love you guys😘😘


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