XVIII - 21 (Twenty-one)

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  Ain't nobody wants to act their age, ain't no sense in us living this way--you and I, girl, we gotta get away, and make tonight the best night of our lives...

I didn't know why, but I couldn't sleep. Tom and Chris were having a battle of snores. I wanted to kick them both in their faces.

I was about to get up and get myself a glass of milk before I become an insomniac, when Tom put his arm on my stomach. He was practically hugging me, and he even snuggled into me. I couldn't move.

"Damn it, Thomas," I whispered.

This tingling feeling just won't go away, eh?

I found myself turning to face Tom. I stared at him for who knows how long.

I could stay like this forever...

I mean... er... what is happening to me? Sigh.

I could count his freckles in this kind of proximity, I could feel the air he exhales, and I could definitely hear his light snores. Chris was snoring like a sleeping tiger, by the way, so I knew how to differentiate their snores.

"Tom..." I whispered.

He didn't answer. He was in a deep sleep, I guess.

Before I could restrain myself, I don't know what got into me but my hand found its way onto Tom's face.

My left palm idled on his right cheek, which felt cold. I then touched his thick eyebrows, and then his lashes that I'd always been jealous of.

I let out a deep breath.

"You're so handsome..." I muttered.

I didn't know if he could hear me or not but I wasn't getting any reaction from him so I guess it was a good sign. I didn't want him shoving into people's faces that I just told him in his sleep that he was handsome.

He flinched and twisted for a bit until our noses were touching. He cuddled me a bit tighter, and it felt so good. So good...

He was so unaware of our position right now.

I wanted to kiss him. I really wanted to kiss him.

I'm such a girl. My mind changes faster than a set of traffic lights... Sigh. One moment, I'm pushing him away; the next, I want him to just stay.

I closed my eyes as I tried to savour the moment. Tomorrow, when we wake up, I would be sure to deny how perfect I felt sleeping next to him.

I leaned my forehead on his and cuddled him back.

And then I finally fell asleep...

The sound of the alarm woke me up and Chris just had the nerve to throw a pillow towards me then he said, "Shut that bloody alarm, Ronnie!"

I groaned as I threw the pillow back at him.

I found myself in a very compromising position with Tom. We were still facing each other and cuddling, so before anybody else notices, I rose in adrenaline.

"Wake up, idiots!" I yelled.

My yelling both woke them up, thankfully, but not for long. As I willed myself to prepare breakfast and take a bath, the two took that time to sleep again. Honestly!

I ambushed them with pillows and they finally joined me for breakfast.

"How do you even manage to take a bath in this kind of weather?" asked Chris, like he really couldn't believe I did not freeze myself to death.

Ronnie's Songs (Completed) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now