Jack Dalton: 2- Boston Marathon.

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"Stars can't shine without darkness." -?-

Summary: The things people don't speak about are usually the ones that hurt the most. Memories are sometimes better forgotten.

Warnings: Potentially triggering to some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. Will contain gore, Boston Marathon, and sadness.

Note: it's basically for Jack. I feel like I don't have enough for him.
I also may have a few facts wrong so feel free to correct kindly. Thank you.
Also used a few scenes from Patriots Day so rights go to amazing writers of that movie.

April 19, 2013
Faye's POV

I was a FBI agent who currently was working at the yearly Boston Marathon. But little did I know that day, was the day everything would change.
    A runner passed me on my right as I waved them on with an encouraging smile. She smile tiredly back and her sunglasses glistened the light of the sunlight back at me. I looked at my phone as it vibrated in my hand.
"Hey, darling. How's the heat?" Jack said his voice ringing into my ear.
"Not near as bad as you'd think, Tex."
"Yeah, whatever. We don't really have a job right now. But I wanted to call and tell you to stay safe. You never know what kind of creeps are over there."
Before I could reply I felt heat glaze the side of my face. Time seemed to travel in slow motion. I took a piece of glass to my cheek and my ankle twisted slightly as I was flung back into a runner.
  It took me a few seconds to realize a bomb had gone off and when I finally did the second went off slightly down the road. I had no doubt Jack heard the explosion, but he was the least of my worries for the moment. Screams of agony surrounded me as I stumbled to my feet. I ran to the bombs direct sight to see who I could help as blood streaked down my face and a loose bang got caught in it matting it slightly.
  I grabbed my Walkie and called out loudly to be heard over the chaos. "A bomb just went off toy right. I need back up. A second went off a block away. Back up. We need back up."
  I got no response but instead got pushed over by a runner. They were still running the dang race.
"Stop the race."
  As I scrambled to my feet a child's voice cried out for a mother. My heart went out to the little girl in a pink dress. She was small and could be no older than five. I ran to her first. I picked her up as she struggled against me. "Shh gun. I got you." She quieted after a few seconds but then came my second problem. Where to put her. There could be bombs littered everywhere. I brought her to the middle of the street and sat her on a tipped lawn chair with singes and looked not at all safe. This was my only choice. The sweatshirt around my waist loosened as my fingers undid the knot. I sat the sweatshirt under her and undid a bandana Jack gave me. "Trust me." I whispered before tying it around her eyes. She didn't need to see this. The paramedics would see her and do a better job helping her.
   I ran back over to the bomb sight. I gagged when I saw a foot to my right and had to fight down tears at the poor person who had experienced such a loss. I first came upon a woman who the foot must have belonged to unless more people had lost limbs. At this point I didn't know the casualties. My fellow cop officers helped people around me, but there were just so many wounded. For a split second I was back in Afghanistan.  Shaking the feeling I undid her belt and tied it around her upper leg. She screamed in pain and it took all I had to not scream with her. I scrambled over to the next body who mumbled a "daughter was hurt."
I shook my head. "Miss. Your not hurt bad. I need you to help hold pressure." I led her over to the belt woman. "Pull tight."
"My daughter." She cried.
"If you want to see your daughter again do this."
She nodded and held pressure.

--------where Jack is-----Phoenix foundation ------ in meeting office---

"I'm telling you she's in trouble." Jack told his surrounding team.
"It was probably just a line dead, Jack." Madi tried to console. She would normally yell at him but it was plain to see he really was worried.
  "If it'll make you feel better I'll patch us into their comms." Riley said before her fingers danced upon the keys.
"-it! Where is everyone?" A voice yelled through but not his girls.
"I repeat bomb gone off. Multiple injuries. Get the dang paramedics. There's not enough officers! I repeat two bombs gone off at Boston Marathon."
Voices continued to ring through speaking of dead and lost limbs.
"Oh my gosh. What the heck is going on?" One of them finally said.
Finally Faye's voice rang through.
"Shut the dang race down. Stop the freaking runners. I repeat stop the freaking runners." She yelled angrily and frustrated.
  "Riley pull up live feed." Macgyver told her as Jack sat down with a pure face of fear.
A live feed showed a street, but it wasn't Faye's. she scrolled though a few more before seeing the Gruesome scene. Jack stood back up and saw Faye hovering over a body. Riley enhanced audio around Faye and the background only seemed to grow louder. The concrete was stained with blood and it seeped into the cracks in dented places. Faye was covered in blood and her ponytail hung lower.
  "Casualty 1 so far. Little boy appears to be around age of eight. Get medics  right freaking now." She moved to the next free body. She continued to do what she could and the medics finally arrived to help. She ran a hand through her hair before racing down the road to the next sight.
  "Switch the screens." Jack yelled loudly startling some in the room.
Riley did this only to see someone crash into Faye. Another runner.
  She violently grabbed her walkie.
"I thought I said stop the freaking runners!"
  She once again stood and ran down the road switching to the next camera. She proceeded to yell at people who were in her way or telling them where to go when finally few were left. Those who were left were tended to by medics and were only minor injuries.

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