MacGyver: 19

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   "Goodbyes hurt the most when the story isn't finished. Our story wasn't over."

Summary: Macgyver faces a struggle with Jessie. One that will change them forever.

Warning: slight cursing, slight mention of blood.


The room was big, a hundred different pictures on the walls. It had a leather couch and a decorated desk, with beautiful grey sides. Jessie was taking it easy relaxing on the inside of the office in her barn, when a worker, Tod, rushed in.
    "Miss Jessie? Someone left the gate open on the west wing."
And just like that, she snapped out of her tired gaze and slipped on her boots. The horses at her farm were her life, each one trained in a different way, but when together. They could run for miles.
    She ran outside the door, nearly tripping on a lawn mower that someone left out. She grabbed her horse from the stall, Koda, and saddled her up before Tod could blink. She mounted and slung herself onto the horse.
"Tod, call Mac tell him I can't come home any time soon."
  With that and a quick squeeze with her spurs, they were off, Koda rounding the corners expertly. She was a racing horse, Barrels, poles, you name it she's probably done it. With years of experience in her blood and grand championship in her veins, there was no one stopping them.
Tod tried calling Mac, but he didn't answer. So he tried again a minute later, knowing the importance of the call.
     Finally he answered.
"Uh, Macgyver?"
"Yeah, Who's this?" He sounded threatening and Tod inwardly shivered.
   "Uh, I'm calling on behalf of Miss Jessie?"
"Is Jess alright?" Tod heard the man stand.
   "Yeah, Yeah, well sort of. Someone left the gate open in the west wing, and she's going after them. She won't be home for dinner."
    "I figured. Okay, Uh when you See her tell her it's fine, and if I have a chance I'll help her out.."
"Will do, Mr. Macgyver."
    The line was hung up.
"Whoah." She told Koda, breathing heavy at getting half the herd in, but the other half still lost in the nearby trail woods. "Cole, south. Nora, East. Jimmy, West, and I got north. Meet back in an hour if no results. If someone not here we'll know where there herd is."
   They took off all in Seperated Directions.
   Koda came to a stop just before some thicket, smelling something in the air. Jessie reached down to reassure the mare, but stopped when she saw the barbed wire fence. Broke. She looked down the line of new barb wire she hadn't know was there. Sure enough there were more breaks in the fence.
  "Shit." She mumbled and took off past the wire. Just over the next ridge she saw it. Multiple horses standing in pain all in various points of injury. They had stampeded right through a barb wire fence.
    She grabbed her cutters and worked on the first horse, knowing she had to keep her cool. "Come on Baby, don't move."
    The gelding refused however and writhed in pain. "Come on. Please." She continued to cut the wire, but it was deep. Really deep.
    That's when the other riders showed up. "Get your cutters. get them out!" She hollered her voice draining. After freeing the horse, she stood back and looked at the other animals. They were all badly injured. Some wouldn't make it past the fence line if she didn't stop the bleeding.
    She mounted again. "I'm getting wraps. Keep them still."
   She galloped nearly the whole way, Koda winded and out of breath. But when she arrived she saw Macs car and was relieved. She ran into the barn, looking for medication, wraps, anything that could help, and put it into her saddle bag. "Jessie?" Mac asked coming out of her office.
  "Mac." She breathed. Jack exited right after him. "Jack." She acknowledged.
  "Why are you covered in blood?" Mac asked, looking at her ripped Blue jeans and the red liquid masking the true color of her shirt.
   "Some idiot, put up a fence in the western woods, a barb wired fence. At least half the herd is down, in the prairie all cut up and dying. Saddle up. I need your help." She slung the saddle bag over her shoulder and pointed into the tack room. "Saddles in there, Jack. Mac pick any of the horses. At this point it don't matter. I'm doing anything to get them all home."
  Jessie unsaddled Koda and picked a fresh gelding. "Fox." Mac and Jack found their way around and soon were joining her. They galloped towards the west and hoped by the time they got there it wasn't too late.
    She rode past the fence line slower. A horse was down her eyes, closed. Jessie kept on riding, forcing back tears. She checked in with her second in command. "Jimmy, how many?"
She asked as she unmounted.
   "Mac, Jack." He tipped his hat. "3 so far. Starling, Pan, and Winter. Sorry Jessie, I know you liked Pan."
    "We gotta get the rest of these guys out of here. Brought bandages, but they need a vet here now and I didn't bring my-"
  Mac showed up beside her, tapping her shoulder. "Tools." She finished as he handed her the box of vet tools.
   "Thanks, Mac." She kissed his cheek and went to the first horse. A white one, too easily could she tell the blood.
   And so the night dragged on. 6. Horses lost on a cause that could've been prevented. Just when Jessie was beginning to mount onto the horse, Mac stopped her. The other workers rode ahead, leading those who could walk, having put down the necessary ones. He nodded to Jack and Jack got the message leaving the two alone, mounting himself and bringing up the rear.
"Jess?" He asked in the most quiet voice he could muster. She trailed her hand down the saddle not looking towards him. He sighed and wrapped his arms around the back of her waist.
   "Jessie?" She sighed and turned around, hugging him, her hands looked around his neck.
  "I'm sorry." He whispered.
"I know."
THey stood their along time, just basking in the presence of beach other. "You figure out who left the gate open?"
"No. No one should've been near that lot today." She breathed into his shirt. "When did they put wire up?"
"I didn't know about it."
That's when something caught his attention, just over his shoulder. A wine bottle. With a Swiss Army knife sticking out of the top.

Sorry. Two days late. Took more time to clear my head than I thought. And I'm still kind of hazy. So bare with me.

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