Jack: 22-Its in my blood (part 2)

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   "If you have everything under control, you're not going fast enough."
Summary: continued of Its in my blood.

Warnings: None, maybe slight cursing.


Alright this is a continuation of the In my blood race car one. Thanks. Love ya, Babes!😘

Grace paced in the cell, her boots clinking as she walked. She hadn't had time to change since the incident occurred. Striker was gonna get it when she was out of there. She had yet to see, Jack however, and It was making her nervous. Maybe he just up and left. The team thought she was a bad influence more than likely.
"Hey, I need to eat some point tonight ya know?" She called to the guard by her cell.
"Sorry, foods not till morning, you came in late. Plus the press is outside, Can't risk leaving you alone."
"I want out of here! Can I get my phone call?"
"Maybe in a minute, if you're good." He winked and went back to his paper. Grace rolled her eyes and found a bobby pin in her hair.
She picked the lock easily, and exited heading towards the phone. The guard was dumbfounded and got up to stop her, but she waved at the phone. "Chill. Just getting my call." The guard smirked at her and went back to the newspaper once again.
"Come on, Jack. Pick up." She mumbled. After no answer, she snuck a glance at the guard and dialed again.
"Hi, This is Jack dalton, sorry to miss you, but leave a message and I'll be back after some Bruce Willis. Thanks."
She dialed again only faking a conversation to cover up the time she was taking. "Hey, Jack! I uh need some help. Yeah. Sorry. Was drinking with some friends. Yeah. I know. I know."
That's when he picked up. "Grace?"
"Yeah, listen I need your help."
"Uh Grace." He said awkwardly.
"I have no money for bail."
"Well, that's okay, I got some saving-"
"80,000$ In saving?"
"What the hell?" She shrieked.
"Series killers walk easier than that, I know." Jack responded.
"Why is it so high?"
"They think you've been cheating the whole way up to finals."
"Bull****." She yelled and the guard looked at her, to which she glared back.
   "I know. We think Striker, did it."
  "Oh I know. He did. He was in my pit, before the race. Said he was making sure i was still racing."
  "Alright, well the team and I are coming to talk to you right now. Bout a block away."
   "The team?" She sounded shocked.
  "Yeah. Didn't think we'd leave that quick, did ya?"
    "I-Uh." She cleared her throat. "Thank you, Jack. You're all I got left in this world."
   "Yeah, love you too, darlin."
Then the line went dead.
   She assumed her time was over finally, but she didn't know how wrong she was.
  "Grace?" Jack picked up the phone suddenly, while driving and the team in the car looked up. The car picked up on the Bluetooth device and it sounded through the speakers.
   "Yeah listen I need your help." She sounded persistent and almost scared.
  "Uh, Grace, I have no ninety for bail," he silently swore at how stupid he sounded and his team sent him pitiful glances.
   "Oh, that's alright, I got some Savin-"
   "80,000$ in savings?" He asked and he heard her sharp intake of a breath.
   "What the hell?" She shrieked.
"Series killers walk easier than that, I know." Jack responded and Mac looked at him as if he was crazy.
"Why is it so high?" He heard the tremor in her voice.
"They think you've been cheating the whole way up to finals." He sighed knowing this just wasn't in her nature.
"Bull****." She was yelling by now.
   "I know. We think Striker, did it." The team looked towards the radio, to which she was speaking from, almost as if they could her.
  "Oh I know. He did. He was in my pit, before the race. Said he was making sure i was still racing." Riley types some stuff and a minute later she had the security feed to which she motioned to Jack.
  "Alright, well the team and I are coming to talk to you right now. Bout a block away."
   "The team?" She sounded shocked.
  "Yeah. Didn't think we'd leave that quick, did ya?" He smiled knowing that's exactly what she was thinking.
    "I-Uh." She cleared her throat. "Thank you, Jack. You're all I got left in this world." He knew she wouldn't see that unless she thought he had the phone.
   "Yeah, love you too, darlin."
Then the line went dead.
   "She sounds scared." Mac commented.
   "She is." He agreed.
  Bozer looked at him from the backseat. "You know she didn't do this, right?"
  "I know. But no one else does."
   "I do." He commented and Jack whipped around to look at him. "What do you mean?"
  "You know when I went to go get popcorn? Yeah I went to her Pitt instead. The tires were rubber during the race, I know because I felt him. Her car was so Damn awesome I had to see it. So well she was going over tactics I snuck in and took a selfie."
  "Thank God." Jack commented relaxing only the slightest bit.
  "You didnt doubt her did you, Dalton?" Madi asked accusingly.
    The lights flickered, and the guard stood. Grace looked up from her spot by the phone. For a split second she thought Jack was planning and escape, her not putting it past him. But then a gunshot went off, the guards body falling to the ground roughly. She shrieked, before grabbing a pair of scissors as a weapon, staring into the black Of darkness.
  The man neared, she heard his breath, in front of her. SHe held the scissors close, keeping her only protection near.
  "Grace?" He asked into the darkness, and she held her breath, just as the lights flickered on, revealing Striker.
   "Hello, again."
"What are you doing, Will?" She gasped, tears of fear
nearly blurring her vision.
"It's nothing, I promise dear, let's go, we can get out of this mess."
"Will, what are you talking about?"
"Me, you and Mexico. Plus a little last name changing."
That's when Jacks team decided to break in, he walked in expecting her to be there but was shocked when he saw the man with the gun. Will was faster however and took him easily into a choke hold, the gun pressed against Jacks temple.
Mac, Riley, Bozer And Matti, walked in a second later but froze as they saw the situation. "Will stop!" Grace hollered, her life flashing in front of her eyes.
"No! Gracie it can end right now. We can leave for Mexico as soon as I get rid of him."
"No, Will." Grace sobbed, her tears flooding into her mouth. "Stop. Please."
"Give me a good reason."
"I love...." she stopped herself. "You! I can't live with someone who killed my best friend. Please, Will, let's just go right now, just leave him alone!"
Jack squirmed. "No, Gracie don't."
"Shut up!" Will yelled at Jack.
"Okay, baby." He let go of him and pointed the gun at her. "Let's go."
Jack took a step forward, grabbing her by the arm, hard. "Don't even think about it. I'll pop her brain out." His emotions changing quickly. He was unstable.
"No, Will. Don't look at him. Remember? Me, You, Mexico. And some change of last names. Us." She grit our, trying to control the bile in her stomach.
"Stop! Grace don't do this." Jack convinced his heart breaking right then and there. He outreached his hand.
"It's alright, Jack." She whispered. "I'll be fine. You just, take care of your self. Alright?"
"No, I'm not going to let you throw your life away." He insisted taking a step forward but freezing at Wills grip. "Wrap this up." He whispered.
"Jack, I can spend my life protecting you whoever the hell I want. And your the only one I got." She was led away by Will, the gun trained on her the whole way.
When she knew Will wasn't looking too busy opening the back door, she shot Jack a look as one last tear rolled. "I love you." She mouthed her heart clenching in an iron grip.
He nodded. "I'm coming". He told her back.
Once out the door, his grip tightened and she was forced into the garage. Where a race car was waiting. A race car with MANY updates. "Hello, my dear." His voice changed.
"Who are you?" She asked suspecting a multiple personality disorder.
"Jacob. I am assigned only to put you in this car and push a button." He filled in pushing her into the drivers seat.
She was roughly tied to the steering wheel, before override took control and the automated voice spoke. "Welcome to your Last Ride. These coordinates are pre programmed, and no way of stopping this vehicle. You will be speeding through LA traffic. If you survive that you will be plummeted of the dock at the ocean marina. I hope your steering is as good as they say. You have one phone call, please or in number in the next ten seconds and the car will start." She immediately typed in Jacks number, and just as she hit call the car took off at an alarming pace.
"Hello?" The answer was.
"Jack!" She yelled.
"Gracie! What the hell are you doing?" He asked seeing the car speed through the garage and out onto the highway.
"I can only steer. I'm headed for the docks if I survive traffic. I can't stop it." She was screaming as she passed an elderly woman at the sidewalk.
"Shit. Riley, can you override the machine?"
"No. No it's hacked!"
"Jack!" She yelled again as she raced past a red light, oncoming traffic headed her way, she closed her eyes and opened them a second later, when she was safer.
"I'm coming, Grace, just don't die in the mean time." He said watching on the satellite feed of her intense moves.
Riley began instructing her on the best places to past people as Jack and Mac followed her, trying to match her speed. "Jack!" She screamed again as a semi turned in her direction. She turned sharply at Riley's scream, and narrowly missed a for sure death.
"I'm coming, Grace." He said as Mac and Jack neared her, Mac driving. But the dock was nearing and she had less than 60 seconds left.
"Mac, pull up next to her." He did this, nearly crashing, but no one noticed. "Grace, climb out the door. She lessened her grip only for the car to whobble and she redid her grip. "I can't!" She was full of fear, and each breath was a gift.
"Tie The charger chord to the seat bars!" Mac yelled and slowly, she did this. Once she was sure it was tight she undid the latch on the window and slowly crawled out of it, but she was lost after that. Jack knew she couldn't just climb through his window, so he told her to stand back. She crawled back in and gripped the wheel once again.
Jack kicked the door open, but the wind was slamming it shut. Mac saw this and yelled a quick, "Hold on." As he wipped the car around, the tires spinning fiercely, and the car tipping. Once Mac had control over it again the put it in reverse and caught back up with Grace. Jack climbed to the back seat and kicked the door open again, the wind on his side. The door flew off its hinges and Grace climbed through the window again. She locked eyes with Jack, who had his arms out ready to catch her. "I got you." He told her.
She saw the dock in view and took one last breath, before jumping. She felt Jacks hands wrap around her quickly as they both fell to the other side of the backseat. Her feet dragged for a few seconds, but she pulled them in and Mac slowed the car. Jack held Grace close as she sobbed, just glad he was able to hold her again.
"Hey, Stranger." He whispered, as quick as she possibly could she pressed her lips to him.
"God, don't ever leave me." She told him .
"Wouldn't dream of it." Jack responded.
Mac quickly pulled out of traffic and took off towards where the team was.
Jack sat upright, pulling Grace with him.
When the car stopped Jack helped Grace out, her feet torn up badly from the dragging. She leaned against him heavily, but he didn't mind.
"Glad to see you again, Smoke." Bozer said taking her into a quick hug. Riley hugged her next, "Damn you have some serious driving. Skills." She complimented.
"So does Mac here, look at you, spinning a quick reverse. Good job."
"All the credit goes to you, dealing with that psychopath."
"Man That Guys a lunatic." She agreed, Leaning on Jack once again.
"A lunatic that got a away." Matti told her.
"Yeah, we were after you and he ghosted." Bozer answered.
She shuddered. "We'll catch him." Jack told her.
"I know you will."
She smiled and looked up at them. "Well, one heck of a first meeting, Huh?"

Sorry for the bold and thing. My buttons broke once again.

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