Jack Dalton: 9

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"Prove them wrong."

Summary: Is it possible to be both excellent and mediocre? Can you function with this problem normally? The Phoenix team will just have to find out.

Warnings: None.

"I'm glad you all could come to this meeting." Madi started out the day with a welcome.
  "What's this all about?" Bozer asked, feeling kind of weird being up in the main room and not the lab.
"I have been at crossroads for this for a week now. And since this will affect you I'd like to speak with you about it." Madi sighed and pulled up an image of a girl.

"This is commander leader of the marine district, A3, Farrah Willis

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"This is commander leader of the marine district, A3, Farrah Willis."
  They all listened in closely.
"She is an excellent marksmen able to hit a moving target from 50 feet, while in the dark. She is an 8th degree black belt in Tae Kwan Do. She has high military experience and a little bit of bomb core."
   "What does this have to do with us?" Macgyver finally asked the question everyone wondered.
Madi sighed. "It was always you and Jack, right? Well, now Jack has three agents to cover for and I thought she might make a well asset."
  "I think she'd make a well improvement, but you make these decisions. Why is this one so hard?"
Riley asked. Matti nodded.
"Here's the flip side. Some would say she doesn't have the highest IQ."
"So what she's dumb, but smart?" Bozer asked trying to figure this out.
"It's not for lack of trying to be smart. She grew up alone with no one to teach her anything besides survival. She doesn't speak perfect sentences and she doesn't understand why people act some ways. She doesn't interact with people well, but she doesn't need protecting."Madi concluded and the rest of the team found her predicament nearly inescapable. Finally, Jack spoke.
"What about a trial basis? If she doesn't work out she always had the army to go back to. If it does she can be an asset."
  Madi nodded. "If its a unanimous vote that's what we'll do."
Riley spoke up. "I'm in. It wasn't her fault she couldn't get education. Plus didn't you say she was trying?"
  "Yes, she's been checking out books at the Bases library and trying to learn what she can."
  "I vote trial than. If she is as good as you say she is. It's a no brainer." Mac nodded believing every word of the sentence he spoke.
"Heck with it. What do we got to lose?" He smiled.
  "Great, Daniel go get her please."
A soldier outside the door did this and within minutes in came the girl.
She wore a bandana around her wrist and her hair was pulled into a near pony tail. She was wearing a flannel around her waist and jeans that fit loosely, which is why there was a belt. The belt was not a cheap get at store, but some kind of wiring she must've picked up somewhere.
  Her fingers shook slightly and she bounced on the balls of her feet. Her lips were in a tight line and she seemed to be analyzing them. Her eyes were a shockingly color of grey.
   "Hello, Farrah." Matti welcomed gently, trying her best not to shout at Jacks lingering stare.
   "Hi, Miss Webber."
"Madi. We have decided on a trial basis for you to stay here with us. If you feel like this won't work at any time, you can head out the door."
  "Thank you....  Miss Madi."
"Hi, I'm Macgyver, but everyone calls me Mac." He held out his hand and she tenderly reached out trying to remember how she saw the picture in the book do it. She ended up with an awkward movement, but he just chuckled lightly. "Relax. It's fine." He repositioned her hands and showed her the right way.

  She nodded

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  She nodded. Next Riley walked up.
"I'm Riley Davis, I work with the computers." Farrah nodded.
   "Wilt Bozer, but my friends call me Bozer."
  "And is that what I supposed to call?" Her grammar was slightly jumbled but it was easy to tell she was trying.
   "Yeah, or if you really wanted to you could call me Wilt." She nodded again.
  "I'm Jack Dalton." His eyes were sparkling and she was lost for a second before remembering. "Farrah Willis. We're ya the man threw the shock grenade, in water, o'er in Afghanistan?"
   "Yeah, that was me. Wait are you the lady that dragged that lil boy out of the fire line, back in Cairo?"
   "Yes, was me."
He grinned. She smiled.
"Farrah, your gear is waiting in the tack room, well be headed out to the shooting range for the weekly drill."
  She nodded and looked down. "I, uh, Missy Madi, don't."
Madi stopped her. "Jack take her to the tack room."
  He nodded and she followed after him.
  "I see what you mean, Madi. She's strong though." Mac commented.
"Did you see her biceps? Holy crap." Bozer replied with a smile.
  "Did you see the way Jack looked at her? I can already tell she'll work out fine." Riley responded and laughed at seeing the older man blush earlier at her comment on the grenade.
"Well, this is it. The tack room. If you ever get lost finding a place for whatever reason theirs a map at the end of each floor." Jack told her and she smiled slightly, before she asked a question.
   "Did I sound really dumb?"
He looked taken aback. "No, not really. Why?"
"I didn't even know what the hand thing was."
"Handshake. That's okay. You're learning already. It's not your fault you don't talk perfect grammar neither." Jack responded his grammar off as well.
"Kay. Thanks." She was tempted to ask if she used the shortened word of 'Thank You' right but by his smile she assumed so.
   ------- at the range
"You have one minute to take down  thirty target. Go!" Matty yelled at the new recruit and quickly Farrah had drawn her hand gun and spotted the first behind a rock. The others took this time to observe her accuracy and speed. With a quick shot to the dummy's head she moved to the next, whom she had seen in her peripheral vision. On and on she went when she was sure she counted right and all were down Madi spoke. "Twenty seconds to spare. Thirty bullets used all head shots. Not bad, Farrah."
  Jack cheered slightly and Farrah blushed.  He grinned again. "That's how it's done!"
  She looked down in embarrassment.
Onto the next course.

  Months passed and Farrah was officially part of the team.
  But she sometimes had her doubts about herself, whom which Jack quickly chased those thoughts away.
Finally, her birthday came around and they had a big party at Macs.
Farrah made an announcement of thankfulness. "I know I'm not the smartest one aroun'. And I know I don't talk right. But by y'alls encouragement, I sometimes think imma normal."
   They all cheered to that, and Jack walked up to his now so close of a friend, soon to be more, and kissed her cheek.

Hope y'all liked it!

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