Jack Dalton:8- Days without you

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"Stay humble, work hard, be kind."

Summary: in which Jack reminisces in a death he deems his fault.

Warnings: None.

"Jack!" She screamed and it echoed into his head. He remembered the feeling of her hand reaching for his out of instinct.
  It had barely grazed his when the impact came. It was all just a stupid accident.
Of all the things that could happen the thing that killed him the most was a stupid drunk driver.  Just a stupid accident.
  Jack often wondered where they'd be at right now. If the massive car wasn't pushing 90. If it didn't hit the passenger seat, but clipped the tail. If he had just looked one more time to his right. If he hadn't hurried her so much in the book store. If. If. If. The list goes on forever.
  He wandered into the building he worked at completely lost as the date came. The one year anniversary. September 2, 2017.
He knew he had to push it all out of his mind like his friends told him to do on a mission. But today for some reason the memory seemed fresh and there was no stopping it.
"Kayla!" He had yelled after the car flipped. He was bleeding, but he did anything by notice. He pushed the air bag out of his face and tried to crawl over to the passenger seat. His leg protested as it was stuck under the steering wheel.  For a few seconds he panicked at not being able to move. Finally he ripped his leg out and tried to ignore the now bleeding and throbbing leg.
"Kayla." He whispered when she didn't move. Her head was bleeding and she was awkwardly leaning against the counsel. The door seemed to form into her side. He unbuckled her and tried to move her, but quickly discovered she was caught. She was loosing so much blood. He kept trying to wiggle her out through anyway possible. At one point he climbed half way across her and tried to kick the door open with one leg. It of course failed.
After what felt like hours and he had given up on all hope of rescue he started to get her to move.
"Jack? Jack." Macgyver tried to coax his friend into listening.
"Huh?" Jack mumbled.
"You spaced out, brother."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Mac shook his head. "Man what's going on with you today?"
Jack didn't respond, but pushed past him into the war room and plopped on the couch.
Rileys speaker was playing and Jack actually didn't mind it. He found the comfort in not so quietness at the moment. The whole team seemed to be relaxing. Mac entertained himself on a book of physics, Bozer was working on a design of a mask, Riley was messing with her computer and Matti was doing paperwork.
Then a song came on that changed everything drastically. At first, Jack didn't mind the next song, not recognizing it until he started to listen partway through the first verse.

"It'd been a long hard year
She had a lot on her mind, and she didn't pay attention
She was going way too fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was so scared
She threw her hands up in the air

Jesus, take the wheel
Take it from my hands
'Cause I can't do this on my own
I'm letting go
So give me one more chance
And save me from this road I'm on
Jack had tears in his eyes as he jumped up identifying with so much of the story of the song. He grabbed the speaker and hurled it as hard and as fast as he could at the back brick wall, narrowly missing Bozer.
Everyone jumped and by then Jack was already having a meltdown. "Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Dang it. Shoot shoot. Freaking heck. Shoot. Shoot." He began to pace tears streaming down his face. "Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. Dang. Shoot. Shoot. Shoot."
Mac jumped up. "Jack. Jack! What's wrong? What happened?"
Jack began to try to form words. "Shoot. Shoot. I'mma-so-sorry-Ri-Riley!"
He put his hands above his head in an effort to get more air, but it was as if it was only funneling through the tiniest pipe. "Jack, its fine. It's just a speaker." Riley tried to console him, but he wasn't hearing it.
"But-bu-but-g-good- spe-speaker." He began to pull at his shirt as if it was strangling him.
"Jack stop! It's alright, man." Mac grabbed his wrists.
"My leg." Mac looked down at his leg. There was nothing wrong with it but the pieces seemed to fall into place.
"What's the date?" He asked and Matti answered quickly.
"September 2. Oh my gosh." They all seemed to realize what was happening. "Shoot. Shoot! Kayla! Kay wake up! Shoot shoot."
"Jack! Jack, breathe and tell me what you see."
"Yes. What do you see?"
"Kayla, oh my gosh, shes bleeding a lot. What happened? My leg, my leg! Kayla!"
"Jack focused just focus. What happened?"
He began to move her out his drivers side door. She groaned slightly and he praised the Lord she was alive. He shuffled her into the grass and tried to look her over. Her left side was bleeding all the way down and she had glass piercing her face. She began to wake up. She tried to look at her wounds but he wouldn't let her. "Hey, hey no. Look at me." She nodded and focused her eyes.
"Jack... I love you."
"No, don't say that bull. Don't you say a goodbye. Your fine. Your completely fine. It's just a bruise. They missed."
She nodded. "Your the best. Thanks for everything."
His eyes began to close as the adrenaline ran out. The last sounds he heard was her breathing and sirens in the near distance.
But by then the paramedics weren't sure of anything. Whether or not either was alive. Jack had stopped breathing. He was revived on the trip to the hospital, but when he made it to the hospital he had woken up and was NOT letting anyone near him. The staff had to call in the Phoenix team when they couldn't even get the sedative near him.
"Jack, let them care for you." Matti ordered him, but he was being stubborn.
"No, where's Kayla?"
Bozer had already begun to tear up and Riley was crying. Jack sprang up from the bed, hurt leg and all, "Where is she?"
They didn't respond, so he took off down the hall in search of her. "Kayla?!"
By now Macgyver took action and pounced on him taking him down in the middle of the hallway of the hospital. "Jack!" But he didn't listen and the doctor handed Mac a needle which Mac regretfully used.
When he woke up he wasn't exactly able to move. Restraints held his legs and arms around the bed. He threshed around even after was fully aware of what was going on. The team walked in, at hearing commotion, from the hallway. "Jack. Stop." Macgyver told him sternly but softly. His eyes were puffed up matching everyone else's faces.
"Where's my Kayla?" The possessiveness in his voice only made it that much harder to tell him the truth.
"She didn't make it to the hospital."
He looked at his face for any signs of lying, but when he saw none, he slowly layed back down and sank into his pillow. His eyes were closed and his breaths were uneven. Tears leaked down his face as he tried to control himself.
"I'm sorry." Riley whispered crying silently. She hugged him for a second before running out of the room. Bozer followed. Matti was crying, but trying to be strong. Finally, Jack let loose. Everything.
The sobs racked his body and Mac had to undo the restraints to prevent him from hurting himself.
By the end of Jacks flashback everyone was crying and Jack was trying so hard to stay strong.
He eventually looked up at his friend.
"Man, we really do have horrible luck with women." Pain evident with every word.

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